iPhone 3G Unlocked by Hackers from Brazil

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPhone 3G Unlocked by Hackers from Brazil

The iPhone hacking community seem to be working overtime cracking Apple's new iPhone 3G. The iPhone Dev Team had published the video of the world's first jailbroken iPhone 3G only yesterday and plan to release their Pwnage Tool 2.0 very soon. We now have breaking news that hackers from Brazil...

Read the full story here


  • leonardo sanchez
    leonardo sanchez Posts: 3
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    Hahaha, TIM in brasil is part of apple iphone 3g Distribuitor... be real...

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hey Leonardo,

    iPhone 3G is now available in 21 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the US and will go on sale in France on July 17.

    To be sure I also checked TIM Brazil's website http://www.tim.com.br/ which confirms that iPhone 3G is not yet available in Brazil.

    So this is very much real :)


  • Erik Vittrup
    Erik Vittrup Posts: 0
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    I still don't get it. On your site several companies in the UK among others are announcing the V2 and 3G hack. Is this phony, hot air or do you just not want to review them. Are they risky? should we wait for the dev. teams tool. Enlighten us.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hey Erik,

    Its recommended that you wait for the iPhone Dev team to release their Pwnage tool 2.0.

    They are currently making sure that everything is OK, tested and safe to be released to iPhone users.

    Their tools are also available for free.


  • Irha
    Irha Posts: 37
    via Wordpress

    This is not a ground breaking attempt for iphone, there were such attempts before, e.g., see this below item:


  • Victor
    Victor Posts: 54
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    Oh my, lots of dumb people here. Americans...
    Come on, there are more than 500,000 iphones in Brazil. Hey, and apple is not selling it yet! Why do you think?
    Brazilian people already have their iphones in portuguese and lots of apps. All done here.
    Your tv only shows what they want. You think you know the world. Thats why you think you are the only people with brain. Get a life.

  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
    via Wordpress

    hummmm! Have your credit card ready... For $19.99 u 2 can have the iPhone kit....they will have to find a manufacture to produce n disdtribute the large orders...

    That's the lazy way... There is no fun in that..... Remember the days before the apptap installer n ziphone when we were up all night trying to figure out those terminal commads and swaping the mobile files from this and that version of iTunes n messing with the bootloader changing files here and there n then praying it does not become a brick at re:boot...


  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    Humm! if Irha is correct then apple is cooking the books. They must have an i~baker.... or maybe the media got it backwards they sold 10 million iphones n experienced 1 million downloads...

    Brazil is number 4 I think when it comes to populous countries in the world.

    So apple would have had to have shipped more than a few to keep crime rates down and prevent someone from riding up on you from behind on their Vespa swapping your i-phone while your on a call.......

    Bueno! Joe no tango me tell eh phone...


  • John Red
    John Red Posts: 0
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    Oh my, lots of dumb people here. Americans...
    Come on, there are more than 500,000 iphones in Brazil. Hey, and apple is not selling it yet! Why do you think?
    Brazilian people already have their iphones in portuguese and lots of apps. All done here.
    Your tv only shows what they want. You think you know the world. Thats why you think you are the only people with brain. Get a life.


  • Hakan
    Hakan Posts: 0
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    John Red:

    Your comment really shows how a typical american citizen responds when insulted. Actually, you're probably on your way to become president.


  • Leonardo Sánchez..
    via Wordpress

    Take it easy, im only said that TIM is offerin the iphone in brazil... nobody said brasilian are dumb..

    Im in Honduras, not so many people have the $1000 dolars to buy one here... thats the cost here in stores..

    Unlock.. ok.. I unlock, mine 2.0 to TIGO, but have a problem, im not a hacker.. just use logic... i have a problem, i can make and recibe calls, but cant use youtube, itunes and appstore.. its said not activate.. IPhone 1st gen 2.0 unlocked.. but not activated..

    PELE is the Best!!!

    LOL@IGNORANCE Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    Dude shut up you make the rest of us as americans look bad "I will blow your country up" Freakin redneck comment gives us a bad name. Not all of us are that ignorant. Freakin Tool.

  • Andrew
    Andrew Posts: 168
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    Not to mention, that the iPhone is Chinese manufacture and engineering. ;-)

    Question for the mods - is this unlock tool (the sim card adapter) a true full unlock? Or just a SIM adapter?

    ie: will one be able to install 3rd party non-approved apps, as well as apps from the App Store?

    Frankly, where I am, we have only one GSM carrier, so I don't need to leave their service, but there are a ton of apps I want from the 3rd party world, Tethering at the top of the list.


  • Andrew
    Andrew Posts: 168
    via Wordpress

    Not to mention, that the iPhone is Chinese manufacture and engineering. ;-)

    Question for the mods - is this unlock tool (the sim card adapter) a true full unlock? Or just a SIM adapter?

    ie: will one be able to install 3rd party non-approved apps, as well as apps from the App Store?

    Frankly, where I am, we have only one GSM carrier, so I don't need to leave their service, but there are a ton of apps I want from the 3rd party world, Tethering at the top of the list.


  • Chris Haney
    Chris Haney Posts: 1
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    I am promoting a new undertaking, Let’s Help Brazil! http://www.letshelpbrazil.org.

    Our mission is the relief of poverty and advancement of education for Brazil's homeless children.

    Chris Haney

    Let’s Help Brazil!

  • LDC
    LDC Posts: 1
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    This "Louis" must be some kind of Bush clone or something. I'm sure some Americans are not like him and because of people like him americans are experiencing some kind of hate wave around the world.
    This is my message to him: Never live your country you better die there because if you do so you'll probably get kill somewhere else around the world. Wouldn't be hard to find someone that wants to bash you down for sure.
    And before you start talking about War Mr brave Man , why don't help your army get out of iraque and cleanup their mess, it will funny to see you crying like a babe.

    Really Disgusting people like this Guy.

  • Hey the Stealthsim se works way better then rebelsim because it does not fake the imei number it actually unlocks. The rebelsim is made in China and its a clone sim unlocker but the StealthSim SE is made in Canada and has been tested and proven to work. I have both cards and the Stealthsim se from www.stealthsim.ca is way better.

  • hlopez60
    hlopez60 Posts: 0
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    Hey there,
    I've got an iphone 3G with Turbosim, by accident I did an upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2, using itunes. I've got my iphone locked even using the Turbosim (for 2.1) and I could not access the iphone menu anymore.
    This was what I did:

    - I download the firmware 2.2 from:

    - Using QuickPwn 2.1, I jailbreak the iphone.

    - I got a TurboSim for version 2.2 in Bangkok for about US30.

    - Problem solved.

    Hope this can help you !!

  • ayman
    ayman Posts: 1
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    i got new 3Giphone and when i updated it it locked pls help me how to work that out as it says no service

  • Felipe
    Felipe Posts: 9
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    Oh my god !!!
    I'm brazilian and we are not stupid and we don't live in a third world country... In this crisis, we are practically the only country in the all world that is surviving without many problems. You are almost dying without eat and almost anyone have jobs. So you shoud have more respect for us. Maybe is this kind of thinking that took you throught this situation.

    Good bless every one.

  • Felipe
    Felipe Posts: 9
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    Sorry, is not Good Bless, is God Bless... =P