How to Fix iPhone 3G's yellow-tinted screen issue

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imageHow to Fix iPhone 3G's yellow-tinted screen issue

I had published an article yesterday where Apple’s senior director of iPhone product marketing Bob Borchers had clarified that iPhone 3G's screen are bit yellowish by Design and not a display defect. Guess what? We now have not one but couple of solutions to solve the iPhone 3G's yellow-tinted screen...

Read the full story here


  • John Feeney
    John Feeney Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    Why is the world's fastest selling tool still not capable with Surveillance Solutions so you can view your home/business from your unit?

  • Jahnn
    Jahnn Posts: 5
    via Wordpress

    I've tried the firmware 2.0 (5A347) update via iTunes restore and the leaked firmware several times to fix the yellow tint and its still pretty apparent. Going from the first iPhone to the 3g makes the color much more noticeable.

  • Roland
    Roland Posts: 4
    via Wordpress

    I have firmware 54347 installed and it's still with a yellow/green color tint :-(
    Has someone an idea how to set the color hue to neutral/correct white balance? With this "warm" setting, each picture looks really kitschy :-(
    I want my with balance set correctly and not how some engineers at Apple are deciding this for me (without being asked).

  • Jamie
    Jamie Posts: 23
    via Wordpress

    The key thing most Iphone 3G users will realise after reading the solution is that when they plugged the iphone 3g in the PC for the first time, that Itunes had already promted them with the latest firmware. And still have the yellow tint.

    Apple need to release a program in the Apps store or in a new firmware update, to change the color balance, hue, contrast.

    My screens not only yellow tinted, but also darker and slightly unclear compared to my standard Iphone.

  • Jamie
    Jamie Posts: 23
    via Wordpress

    And just to note. My phone is 3 days old on an extremely recent shipment to stores in the UK. So the firmware info etc does not apply to everyone.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
    via Wordpress

    The problem is not the software - it is the hardware. One of the manufacturers is using an old process where the chemical used has a yellow tint. This manufactering method used to be accepted but is no longer. There is no way to fix this with software.

  • Sokash
    Sokash Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    Nothing to worry abt! just change the power cod and put it on charging mode. It will be back soon.