iPhone 3G Overheats and ends up Burning User's Leg

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPhone 3G Overheats and ends up Burning User's Leg

This has got to be one of the freakiest incidents involving the iPhone. A member of Mac Rumors forums claims that he fell asleep with the iPhone 3G in his pant pocket and woke up with extreme pain. When he pulled out the iPhone 3G out of his pocket, it...

Read the full story here


  • lol
    lol Posts: 79
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    My iPhone 3g does get really hot sometimes when it's plugged to my car stereo

  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    I'm sorry but the picture of the red rectangular spot on the leg just made me laugh my head off.

    Some people say they love their iPhone. Well I guess that iPhone wanted to send some love back, so one thing led to another...things got steamy...and before you knew it, there was an iHicky.

  • A Jew
    A Jew Posts: 1
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    wow..... i would sue apple if i got burned by my iphone, also imagine how much it would hurt if it was in direct contact with skin sheeesh stupid apple needs to refund people's money.

  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    the red marks on his legs are scratch mark not burn mark look at the way the red lines alines!!he just want his new iphone replace and made up some story balony sandwich!!

  • Pete
    Pete Posts: 92
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    this is indeed a load of BS

  • Jamie
    Jamie Posts: 23
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    This happens a lot with mobile phones. Essentially its a short of the dock connector. This causes the battery to short circuit and over heat. This is more than likely caused by something metalic in his pocket bridging some of the contacts on the connector. Its not really a design flaw. Its a good idea to check that there are no loose bits in your pocket, like paper clips and metalic sweet rappers (like the kit kat foil).

  • Spurlock
    Spurlock Posts: 7
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    This has happen to my old iphone. i (wife)lol bought a clock radio that was made for ipod and try to play music with the iphone. It work fine playing for 3 min. I took the iphone off the clock dock and the screen went nuts and just started getting hotter, hotter. I put it in the refrigerator to help it cool down lol . as soon as i took it out it started getting hot again. Went to apple and they gave me another one.

  • Christopher
    Christopher Posts: 34
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    It looks like he did that when he was shaving his legs. And yes those are scratches and not a mark from something hot. I bet if he cut himself shaving he would have claimed that was due to his imac... LOL

  • mickey
    mickey Posts: 54
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    Looks to me as if it burned him which made the area irrested and that made of itch. You doubters should think before you post 1.) Why I'd the charger plug melted 2.) What would he stand to gain from informing anyone of the issue other than Apple of course,No looks to me like a concerned person that had a genuine issue was trying to get the info out there so that someone else didn't get hurt. Thanks for the heads up and glad you are OK and that the burns are minor could gave caught your pants on fire especallt if you would have had a lighter in your pocket, oh buy the way that did happen to someone and they died because of it. Thanks again and glad your ok. oh by the way this type of issue can happen if the connector gets shorted. Don't put anything electrical in your pocket with loose metalic objects. Regards Mick

  • d.o
    d.o Posts: 1
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    it looks like he coloured in his leg n put his iphone in da oven hahaha attension seeker

  • Koldsteel
    Koldsteel Posts: 4
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    Once I started using the new 3G I was surprised because it heats way less than theolder version. So far so good for me.

  • Rl
    Rl Posts: 19
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    First, I never had the iphone 1, but this phone does get hotter than I'd like sometimes (although my treo before sometimes got REALLY hot, but those things run programs in the background).

    Second if the iphone 3g does get that hot, it could be very usfully for SurvivorMan, when he gets lost somewhere he can just us it to start a fire (since the places he gets "lost" at usually are out of cell recepion). Couldn't resist.

  • hoodcore
    hoodcore Posts: 1
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    hahahaha, what i want to know is HOW TO F**K DIDN'T HE FEEL HIS PHONE BURNING HIM WHEN HE WAS ASLEEP! this is BS!

  • Won
    Won Posts: 1
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    my 3g iphone has gotten hot once when I left the camera running and then didn't hit the home button before the camera shutdown automatically. this left the phone in camera mode. Then about 20 mins later I noticed that the phone was getting warm. I am going to have to make sure the iphone is in the home screen before shutting down.

  • Dm
    Dm Posts: 11
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    **** my 3g always overheat while it charges....nothin new

  • qwerty
    qwerty Posts: 8
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    Thats bs the battery is located at the top right of the iphone

  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    Talk about hot pants cold feet....My 3G gets hot too...When it does I take it out of my pocket...

    have hot pockets in my freezer...

  • Alexes559
    Alexes559 Posts: 1
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    This is possible when i connect my iphone to the car charger it get REALLY! hot, sometimes even have to hold it up to the AC duct to cool it down...dont wanna burn my ear off, why dose this happen

  • Eugene
    Eugene Posts: 10
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    I'm a Paramedic, this is obviously not a burn.
    As I can tell with the shave stubbles on the leg, this flamboyant male obviously likes to attract more attention than he is worth for.
    That mark is the result of scratching your skin in a coincidentally rectangular-like shape. As you can see around the apparent "burn," there are string-like red marks, which indicate nails scratching the skin.

    I personally do not believe the small size of the iPhone will actually cause superficial burns to human skin. If this were possible, Apple would have recalled the phones long ago.

  • meng
    meng Posts: 6
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    While all of you are trying to figure out whether this is a fake or not - why not add a little science to this discussion?

    The test is simple:
    1) Turn on the camera of your iphone
    2) Place iphone in your pocket
    3) Go on with your normal activities

    Results in my case:
    1) Battery was drained to nothing very quickly
    2) I was reminded of my test by a very hot burning feeling in my upper thigh (pocket area)
    3) Once I took it out of my pocket, the phone could have fried an egg.


  • Eugene Fail
    Eugene Fail Posts: 1
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    Eugene "I'm a Paramedic, this is obviously not a burn."

    You aren't a paramedic, you're an idiot. The guy isn't shaving his leg, the hairs are worn from friction with his pants.

    What's one of the things people do when they get burned? Yeah, scratch.

    You think somthing as small as an iPhone can't cause damage? Try wrapping a paperclip around a 9V battery. OMG recall all 9V batteries! (Oh, please don't really try the 9V battery, it WILL get very hot, but might likely explode in your face.)

  • Dex
    Dex Posts: 7
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    They said they would replace his iPhone? I think he will be more concerned about his leg and Apple should be concerned about a lawsuit. In regards to the "paramedic" who says that this is impossible, and apparently can somehow tell that this is a fake beyond a doubt, you are a moron and should have your medical license revoked..
  • Cee
    Cee Posts: 1
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    You'll be interested to know the same thing happened to my hubby yesterday, he had the phone 3gs in his pocket, an hour earlier he'd checked a football result on an app and closed it down. He felt a burning in his trouser pocket and the phone was too hot to handle. He dropped it on the table and another mate of his tried picking it up and couldn't. After an extensive chat with apple they are asking him to send it back for testing, after establishing its not been dunked in water (!??) they will send him another replacement and give him a 90 day warrenty on it. Good of them as his warranty had gone over and he's still paying on his contract..