NullRiver's iPhone App - NetShare briefly brought 3G/EDGE Tethering for iPhone

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imageNullRiver's iPhone App - NetShare briefly brought 3G/EDGE Tethering for iPhone

One of the features missing from the first generation iPhone and the new iPhone 3G is the ability to tether the iPhone to feed a data connection to your computer to surf the internet. It would have been a treat if it was possible on iPhone 3G. That was all...

Read the full story here


  • g-rod
    g-rod Posts: 6
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    no prob! least i can do, this site is awesome!

  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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    its still up i just downloaded it to my computer as of right now.
    well see if apple makes me take it out ;(

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    its still listed under productivity in app store 2:02 central time

  • kingof9x
    kingof9x Posts: 1
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    i searched it earlier this morning and couldn't find it but tried a couple hours later and it seems the app is back up

  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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    I just downloaded the app. im trying to figure out how to make it work. i know how to tether it using the terminal. but it seems like this app wont work with vista. its giving me instructions for mac and im trying to figure out a way to make it work.

  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
    via Wordpress

    I just emailed. Nullriver. they told me in an email that instructions for windows are comping soon. so i'm happy. i just hope At&t don't charge be a big o fee, for doing this. i remember they told me data is unlimited wouldn't this be considered data?

  • T. Payne
    T. Payne Posts: 25
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    I have a boring job... 13 hours ahead of me... I have just downloaded it on my un-jailbroke 3G if there hasnt been a way to get it to work on windows by tomorrow I will post a guide of what i figgured out tonight!

  • Brandon
    Brandon Posts: 86
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    Trying to connect an XP laptop and cant figure out how to get the laptop to resolve domain names. Firefox can connect to the socks proxy and bring up pages if you know the IP address but I can't get it to resolve any domain names. Anyone have any ideas?

    I've tried setting the XP machine's DNS servers to point to the iPhone, Ive tried the default gateway pointing to the iPhone and several combinations of the two.

  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    What about Proxifier? Wouldn't that work and be very easy?

    Unfortunately I don't have my iPhone 3g yet, so I can't try.

  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
    via Wordpress

    Confirmed working with Windows Vista Firefox 3 and IE(yuck)
    if you use

    Decent how-to here by UltimateFighter

  • Alex D
    Alex D Posts: 0
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    To force FireFox using dns over socks:

    Go to Firefox's address bar and type in "about:config"

    Hit Enter

    Find the "Filter" field and type in "socks"

    Hit Enter

    Find the entry that looks like "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns"

    Double click

    Change value to "true

  • david k
    david k Posts: 2
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    I was able to purchase NetShare yesterday while it was still available, for my iPhone 3G. The environment in which I'm trying to make this work is with a MacBook running OSX 10.5.4

    Unfortunately, despite trying for more than an hour, following all the instructions for setting NetShare up I still have not been able to get NetShare to work. I went through all the steps from scratch several times and even did the step suggested in one of the blogs, which is to open up safari on the iphone and then open up netshare. When I open up safari, I see the 3G icon, but when I open up NetShare it indicates zero connections.

    I was able to confirm that I can the ping the iPhone at from Terminal on my mac, but that's the best I can do.

    I purchased this for $10.00 yesterday and it's doing nothing for me right now.

    Any suggestions?

  • Kevin Kincaid
    Kevin Kincaid Posts: 1
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    Contact Nullriver. I use several of their products and have been happy with their response times to support questions.

    I am able to get Netshare running. Initially I configured it password free. Once i confirmed the settings work I added a password and create a specific netshare profile to make switching back and forth easier (as NR suggests). If you leave your iphone screen on, it shows you the number of connections and the amount of data being passed through. Wish it showed accumulative data though.

    Stil trying to get SSH to work. Web browsing works great and speeds are good.

  • Lorraine
    Lorraine Posts: 5
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    Will tethering on the 3G network have any charges??

  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    I found Netshare on!!!!