iPhone 3G's Developing Cracks?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPhone 3G's Developing Cracks?

There have been some reports along with photos saying that cracks are developing on white iPhone 3G's. If you see the photos after the jump, the damage seems to be mostly hairline cracks. The cracks have been observed around corners, volume and vibrate controls, near speakers and the headphone jack....

Read the full story here


  • Steven M.
    Steven M. Posts: 18
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    So happy I kept my trusty old iPhone.

  • brada
    brada Posts: 1
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    I think it all depends on the way you handle you device people..Sometimes i think people forget about the price and just abuse them.You cant blame apple for this mehn, its all abt how you handle it but just incase it really was the material that was used to make it, then apple should def do somethin about it.pEACe

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    The left side button of my iPhone 8gb fall apart. Anybody had the same problem? I was trying to put it on silent when it came off.

  • Distortedloop
    Distortedloop Posts: 64
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    Pardon my French, but that's a load of bull!

    Way too many people, like myself, claiming that they have treated their shiny new toys like newborn children, with kid gloves, to make some dumb a$$ comment like "people just abuse them."

    This is clearly a manufacturing defect, probably caused by excessive heat weakening the plastic around high stress areas.

    I assure you, my iPhone has never been dropped, thrown, jammed, sat on, or anything that be called even less than delicate handling, let alone "abused."

    My phone came to me out of the box with a small blemish in the plastic. Now, near the mute switch it has a definite crack that was not there two weeks ago.

    If your phone is unblemished and undamaged, congratulations, but how dare you accuse those of us with one of abusing our devices....?

  • phewop118
    phewop118 Posts: 5
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    I have yet to upgrade to the new phone. I hate the look of the white or black plastic back. I love my old one with the brushed titanium look, which doesn't crack, but can scratch. My phone has been through hell and back and all it has are small scratches on the back. I'm sure if I had the new one, it would have cracked by now.

  • ung H
    ung H Posts: 1
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    I just got the iPhone about 11 days and right befor i get my iphone i bought a case for it. now i found some cracks on my iphone. i have not drop my phone or have any abuse.

  • ahsan
    ahsan Posts: 14
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    iPhone gets pretty heat up during call, WiFi, gaming and 3G usage.

    Like 'brada' said, this is being caused by excessive heat being generated during the long usage.

    Old iPhone was better in a way that it had metal back letting the heat go away in the air.

    I am still using the old iphone, upgraded it to firmware 2.0 . One thing i noticed by upgrading to 2.0 was excessive heat generation and reduced battery time for the same type of usage.

    DId anybody else felt the same difference.

  • J. Kawanaka
    J. Kawanaka Posts: 1
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    I have just hit the 14 day mark for returning my iphone and i happened to look at this site. I then noticed small cracks along the top, between the headphone jack and between the off botton and sim card. There are also cracks along the lower left portion, near the charge/sync connector. I promise I have not abused my phone in any way shape or form. Apple needs to re-think its quality control.

  • ta
    ta Posts: 2
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    I've noticed the reduced battery in my iphone 2G after upgrading as well. I thought it was my bettery going bad.

  • whooguy
    whooguy Posts: 1
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    I hadn't noticed it before but I do notice a small crack starting from the metal and extending a few millimeters between the headphone jack and the sim card slot.

  • DJ
    DJ Posts: 38
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    The same thing happened to me. I just flipped it to slient and it totally came off. I know 3 other people that had it happen to them also!


  • Bourne
    Bourne Posts: 60
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    I think it has something to do with the mix they are using for the color. Sometimes it happens with the material and stuff.

  • kj
    kj Posts: 7
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  • ahsan
    ahsan Posts: 14
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    Dear TA

    Thanks for confirmation. My battery time on Old iPhone by upgrading to 2.0 from 1.1.4 has been reduced to half of the time i was getting on previous firmware.

    If they dont fix that in 2.1 then i will have to return to 1.1.4

    I love my iPhone, dont want to waste it by destroying battery.

    The more cycles (charge and recharge) a battery has, sooner it dies.

    any body else noticed the same?????????

  • Genaro
    Genaro Posts: 2
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    no cracks on mine, my wife's does have one though.

  • Chickers
    Chickers Posts: 1
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    I have the old iPhone, and 2.0 has dramatically decreased battery life and has reduced sound quality! The sound on my iPhone used to be mind blowingly good, now it's terrible! Maybe Apple should rethink their software upgrading strategies, because it would appear that the old iPhone has a different sound system to the 3G and the software doesn't match!!

  • K.L
    K.L Posts: 1
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    I had a cheaper screen protector and silicon case ready before my iphone had got to me---the Z.A.G.G Invisable sheild and Griffin Nu Form hard case are in the mail. AND STRAIGHT OUTTA THE BOX my black 16g came with a small ding on the back. Like grain of sand small. I never delt with Apple before and don't know what there policies are, anyone know if there customer service is any good???????

  • Adam Hughes
    Adam Hughes Posts: 0
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    My first generation iphone has been abused, its in my pocket all the time and i work as a baggage handler. The 2G phone is solid as a rock, a few dents here and there, scratched all over except the screen, the new wouldn't last 5 minutes with me if the back is plastic, hence the price drop, sticking with my iphone 2G on 1.1.4 after the comments about sound and battery killing until site users declare some harmony between 3G updates for 2G iPhones.

  • Thomas Willson
    Thomas Willson Posts: 1
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    I have a black iPhone 3G and have not seen any cracks. But, it was a common issue on the macbook (white) for small hairline cracks like that to occur. I had that issue with my MacBook.

  • AJ English
    AJ English Posts: 1
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    I've treated mine perfectly as well, and just noticed a hairline crack along my headphone jack. This is going to get ugly in the the next few months I imagine.

  • mazor
    mazor Posts: 1
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    I have the iphone 2G with 1.1.4 firmware in it, and it is working silky smooth! Batterylife is good, and stability is impressive over the the older 1.1.2 firmware, but that is not what we are discussing here lol.

    I have dropped my 2G iphone over 1 metre onto concrete multiple times, where is fell out of my pocket while leaning over to pick something up, and only suffered very minor scuffing. the phone can be placed with my keys, and with headphones banging on it while in my pocket, and it leaves minimal marks on the phone. The only part of the phone that does scratch at all is the chrome rim.

    The Aluminum rear finish on the only 2G iphone was a real good move on Apples part, and the move for plastic is definately a no no in the durability department.


  • McQuackers
    McQuackers Posts: 2
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    Bad batches of iPhone3Gs?
    I have a 16GB iPhone, black, and I haven't seen any cracks or fissures, and after I first heard about this on apple.com, I checked for them, and nothing.

    Which to me, is honestly surprising, because I've dropped my phone 3 times, once in the case, once 2ft cause of my cat, and then the third time was just my stupidity...I pretty much flung it out of the case onto my floor.

    I'm an idiot, but the thing didn't even shut off from the hit. I've noticed only a single scuff mark, and other than that's it's fine.

    I am concerned about the silent switch though. When I first saw it, I thought "That's gonna come off if I don't treat it right"

  • vratnik
    vratnik Posts: 1
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    This is my black iphone 3g. Cracks appeared after about 2-3 weeks. The phone has not suffered any fall/damage before. It has fallen once, but it was AFTER the cracks appeared. The fall did neither inflict any further damage or extend the cracks.

  • Ansgar Asplin
    Ansgar Asplin Posts: 1
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    I got my iphone 3g one week ago, white one, already have two cracks in it!
    I have not (yet) dropped it in the ground or treated it harshly...
    It sucks bigtime!
    Im gonna go to the store and ask for a new one....

  • nancy lu
    nancy lu Posts: 1
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    I had my iphone 3g on the 1st of release. I found a crack line after 3 weeks. I went to apple store to replace a new one. Now I found a other new long cracking line on the 2nd 3g iphone. I swear I tread my phone very gentle (never dropped). I have scheduled a appointment with apple tomorrow to see if they will replace a other new one for me.

  • khayz yuson
    khayz yuson Posts: 0
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    hey! i had my iphone 3g (white16gb) for only 2 weeks and now it has a crack because of the same reason that it heats up.. i never dropped it or anything that would cause the crack. when i read this article it shed some light on what happened to my phone. the bad thing is i purchased my phone outside the country i cant get a replacement phone unless i bring it back to where i bought it. it sucks!

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    i have a black iphone 3g took about a month to start cracking.. it now has seveal cracks 5 months later.. they are hard to see because of the black color but they are thier.. i have had a case on mine sence the day i bought it.. along with the cracking and other problems i have had and the lack of copy n past, forwarding of texts and no pic messaging.. i am very dissapointed in the iphone... i with i would have got the blackberry instead... my bad i wont make the same mistake twice.. apple will no longer get any of my money....

  • Will they replace the cracked phones if there is a red water indicator spot at the bottom as the issue is with the casing not the iphones functionality?

  • Jacob
    Jacob Posts: 47
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    dropping it will likely do this to your phone