Simple Method to Block Apple's Mechanism to Deactivate iPhone Apps

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Simple Method to Block Apple's Mechanism to Deactivate iPhone Apps

Steve Jobs in an interview with the Wall Street Journal had confirmed the existence of a kill-switch mechanism to deactivate iPhone apps already installed on the iPhone which was discovered by iPhone expert, Zdziarski during his forensic examination of iPhone 3G. Zdziarski has published a follow-up post on his blog...

Read the full story here


  • Vishal
    Vishal Posts: 11
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    To me apple is no different from its other counter part. If they were to pull the same stunts as apple has pulled with the iPhone ever since its lance like sudden drop in price which left apple loyalists and early adapters hanging, lack of basic functionalities and to top off a price cut to 199 when ur mothly bill gets jacked up by 10 bucks for 2 years and also in-store activation just to name a few. I think apple is really in it for the money and not the apple fan boys or girls, who still will not stop preaching their beliefs.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    ^^^ i agree with you, but the whole iphone story made me change my mind about apple already - saying that i must admit i have an iphone, but unlocked!

  • cabbit
    cabbit Posts: 13
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    I am _very_ sure that apple is in it for the money and not for the "fanboys".

    As _any_ publicly traded OR private company, they are always in it for the money. Private companies want to be able to pay for employees, office/warehouse space, insurance, and misc utility bills. They _want_ to stay in business! Publicly traded companies _need_ to make money or their shareholders will lose money, and then eventually vote out the people in the top, responsible or not, to have someone else in that is competent enough to help the company _make_ money.

    Do you see companies like intel, dell, DeBeers diamond people, oil companies, pharmaceuticals, etc doing it for the fanboys?

    DeBeers actually enslave people for their cause, not matter what you think, they are doing things away from watchful eyes. Big oil is actually ruining the US economy with high prices and speculation. Pharma is making more people dependent on their healing "cures"

  • McQuackers
    McQuackers Posts: 2
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    I'm not one of those paranoid people, I'm just the average consumer.

    Not to mention I'm more concerned about evil apps stealing personal information than Apple hanging a hammer over my iPhone's head.

  • Tony Leon
    Tony Leon Posts: 0
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    I do think apple is currently using this to deactivate apps.. its the second time I go to sleep and suddenly none of the apps open. also after that, jailbreaking my iphone becomes a nightmare.... I would recommend this for those ppl like me who consider that the iphone is a like a personal computer we paid for and that we should should use the way we desire to...DO YOU HEAR THAT JOBS??

  • Charlie Whiskey
    Charlie Whiskey Posts: 1
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    If it wasn't for all those protections and limitations built into the iPhone OS there would be a few million angry customers complaining their phone being trojan'ed and their private stuff stolen by now.

    I actually think that kill-switch is a very smart move. Apple is a big company and they've a reputation to maintain so they won't take using that mechanism lightly. They know if they ever pull that trigger it'll be on the news the next day.

    Admittably my phone is jail-broken but I'm a computer professional and I'm doing it at my own risk!