Is Apple's iPhone 3G "Unslow" Ad Misleading?

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imageIs Apple's iPhone 3G "Unslow" Ad Misleading?

Have you seen Apple's iPhone 3G "Unslow" ad which says you can do most things on the internet "twice as fast" with iPhone 3G as in comparison to the first generation iPhone? The ad has created some controversy in the blogosphere with some folks complaining that the ad is misleading,...

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  • reviewer
    reviewer Posts: 7
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    I had high expectations from the 3G service, and after reviewing AT&T's coverage map, I thought I would have a great experience. Hell, you could be standing on top of one of AT&T's towers and the connection speed couldn't be any SLOWER! And while standing on top of this tower, it wouldn't surprise me if you dropped a call or two, just like anywhere else in town. "More bars in more places" my ass. I'm lucky to even get one bar of service in more places. Either Apple or AT&T (or both) is lying.

  • Dj RaYz
    Dj RaYz Posts: 13
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    When watching the iPhone 3G ad from Apple I took notice of each frame. The video was actually edited/chopped to make it seem as if the phone responded faster.

    You can tell if you just pay attention to the hands on the iPhone, while not paying attention to the screen. The easiest spot to notice in the whole video is at 10 seconds. After loading google maps the thumb moves down slightly almost instantaneously. Then in other parts of the video the thumb pressure on the iPhone changes instantaneously. If they were filming normal usage on the iPhone it would show pressure changes and movements on the phone gradually.

    This commercial from Apple is like magician making a snake turn into a bird. The magician will distract you while he pulls out the bird. Apple is distracting us with the bright screen and 3G.

    Just from breaking down the video frame by frame, it is obviously shows Apple misleading the public on how fast the 3G connection is by cutting frames out to make it seem faster.

  • BastianGatten
    BastianGatten Posts: 1
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    I have had great service with my 3g. I am in Tulsa, OK and most places it is plenty fast. Sometimes I can't tell the difference between some people wifi and the 3g. But it differs where you are. 3G is still under development in a lot of areas so some is going to be faster than others.

  • Greg
    Greg Posts: 106
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    My two cents: Apple is paying for this commercial by the second and they don't want to drag it out. They are advertising it as being 2x as fast, not 20-30x as fast (as the video might seem to imply). The only thing the video really promises is that its faster than the original iPhone, which it is.

    99% of users aren't going to compare the real experience to that of the commercial. The commercial is purposely cut and edited to make the time and cost of the commercial lower and the only message they are sending is that its faster than the first iPhone.

  • Boomersmech
    Boomersmech Posts: 5
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    I agree with BastianGatten, a good portion of the population understands that mass media is not an actual representation of what a product truely is. If I drink Gatorade should it mean that I will ooose colored fluid. If I buy a shoe will it really make me run fastster and jump higher than that of someone else wearing a diffrent brand. I mean really media in any format is driven to use smoke and mirrors to trick the populus into beliveing that the product displayed is better or needed.

    I think Apple is holding there own. If you think that the commerical is anything but average take a look at the commercials for the LG Instinct and LG Voyager. Both blast campigns were steering to make the consumer belive they are iPhone killers and features of both phones were better than that of our dear old iPhones.

    Plus I doubt anyone is stading at Apple stating "Take this back" your commericals lied!

  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    misleading was the word for the original iphone adds, where they never mention they are using a wifi not edge.

  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    To Richard:
    But to be fair, if you look at the top of the iPhone in the original iPhone ads, it always shows the wifi symbol instead of the edge symbol.

    Misleading? Maybe, but only in the sense that the user might believe this is the experience they would get all the time. Are they lying to us? Only as much as they are in this commercial.

  • Chase
    Chase Posts: 35
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    WOW. I cannot believe that a company would try to sell something by editing an advertisement to their favor. Really guys, WOW!

  • Randy Palermo
    Randy Palermo Posts: 1
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    Instead of comparing the iPhone 3G to the commercial, how 'bout doing a side by side with a windows mobile 3G phone? This way we can see relative performance of the hardware - the radio peformance and the CPU rendering capabilities. Speed varies by location, so you can't really draw universal conclusions about iPhone speed if it is location dependant, but next to a competitor would give an better idea of how the iPhone performs with 3G.

  • Brumi
    Brumi Posts: 1
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    I think 2 great points have been made;
    A) Consumers are aware that commercials are not "real". A typical fast food or beer commercial exemplifies this.
    B) Most commercials are usually limited to 30 second spots, so filming 'real-time' is pointless.

    But I think the best conclusion would be derived from a comparison to the 1st Generation iPhone, since the claim is "Twice-As-Fast-With-iPhone3G-In-Comparison- To-The-First-Generation-iPhone"

    So let's not waste our time or comments comparing it to the commercial or any other competitor.

  • elflako33
    elflako33 Posts: 1
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    Common guys they gotta fit everything in a 30 seconds ad. its not about misleading its about time in the air.

  • geeklordz
    geeklordz Posts: 2
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    Has anyone tried "reverse" tethering the iphone. lets say you do an adhoc connection with a laptop that has an internet access and then you surf through the laptops internet connection? I have and I've experienced such a wonderful speed. It is really "zip". Downloads are a breaze. Going through an access point (AP) is very slow as compared to this method.

  • Germ
    Germ Posts: 7
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    Completely misleading
    My Phone isnt that quick
    I also bought Nike's and still can't dunk a basketball.
    I'm Kidding of course, it's just a commercial it may imply the internet goes faster than possible, but what commercial doesnt imply ridiculous claims and state reasonable ones?