How to Fix "Apple Logo Screen of Death" Problem

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How to Fix "Apple Logo Screen of Death" Problem

It has been almost 2 weeks since Apple released iPhone firmware 2.0.1 primarily for bug fixes but based on Apple Discussions boards and news around the blogosphere; it appears that there is still an issue affecting many users of iPhone firmware 2.0 and iPhone firmware 2.0.1. Its now infamously called...

Read the full story here


  • Darren
    Darren Posts: 43
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    I had this happen today. During an application update, the phone automatically rebooted. It stayed on the apple screen for a good 10 minutes. I eventually hit home button, and the home screen popped up. I proceeded to “slide to unlock” and my application was stuck on “installing.” I proceeded to shut down the phone, and turn it back on. The application no longer showed “installing” and I actually used the app. Although, I got so pissed off I later deleted it.

  • Caco Potoso
    Caco Potoso Posts: 14
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    What a piece of crap the 2.0 firmware is (and the apple SDK). I have had plenty of apps crash and take the phone down with it (why? it should crash the app, but not the phone!). With a 2 minute boot, it is a royal pain in the a... Horrible software for a wonderful hardware.

  • Jared
    Jared Posts: 67
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    I have had my 3g for about a month now and have never had any problems with It crashing during installs or upgrades. Do you think it could be based on how many apps you have? I only have six but am curious how many others have and have had this problem.

  • Posativnrg
    Posativnrg Posts: 3
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    This has happened to me several times. Now, the phone will crash and reboot on its own and NONE of the App store apps will work. They start to load and then returns to the home screen. The ipod wont recognize any media and the internet wont connect. What crap! When I had a jailbroken phone I never had problems like this. Apple crappy customer service has told me to load apps one at a time and see if 1 app is causing the problem. Like I dont have a life and can sit in front of a computer 12 hours a day doing this. They also told me I might have "too many" apps on my phone. Do you see a warning anywhere on the app store to limit the number of apps you can load? This is very frustrating as it takes forever to restore as new phone an reload everything. Apple is using us as guinea pigs!

  • Darren
    Darren Posts: 43
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    Caco Potoso, I am on my 4th page of apps.

  • Chas
    Chas Posts: 1
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    I have 4 pages of apps and this problem has caused me to restore my iPhone about 10 times since 2.0's release. Now I install apps 2-3 at a time.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    i've restored my iPhone this way because of the apps crashing and then gets that apple logo screen of death. this has happened to me and i've restored it about 9 times since i've had the phone AFTER the firmware update... when i originally got it in the store it worked FINE no problem. BAD FIRMWARE. im done with it. will jail breaking it make it all work the right way?

  • Kajiikari
    Kajiikari Posts: 1
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    I have unlocked (Pwned) my iPhone (non-3g) and I have well over 5 pages of apps and I have never had any problems with it. I am also running 2.0.1. I will say the performance compared to 1.1.4 is a bit more sluggish, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with that problem. Maybe using the unlocked firmware can help prevent this from happening. Good luck!

  • geeklordz
    geeklordz Posts: 2
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    I have an Iphone 2G and about 7 pages of apps installed. It is "very" jailbroken with cydia and installer. It's challenging to make the iphone obey me. In actual fact there is no limit as to how many apps you can install. Remember you got a huge space for apps. Apps crashing is due to apps not recognizing the iphone someway somehow. There is is also an issue of app updating to look at.

  • pravin
    pravin Posts: 1
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    I found an intresting FUSE(web 2.0 utility which allows group of users to bookmark under a topic)for IPHONE on am impressed the way they have catagorised the different sections of iphone and the resource links are available over there.I think FUSE type of utlity will definetly be very usefull to find the resources(bookmarks by users) on a product.

  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    I had experienced the freeze on the bootup of my 2G iPhone running 2.0.0. It would simply not enter recovery/restore mode - freezing on the "Pineapple" screen (it had been jailbroken with PWN). I finally fixed the problem by running the phone battery absolutely dead flat. When I reconnected it to my computer with iTunes running, the power was restored to the iPhone after a few mintues and by holding down the "Sleep" and "Home" buttons together, it successfully entered recovery/restore mode. Hope this helps!

  • Posts: 10
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    YES! Make sure you backup your iPhone before doing anything.. I lost like two or three days of text messages with conversations I would have liked to have kept.. x.X;;

    But I've yet to have a problem that could not be resolved by restoring my phone to factor settings. Apple did manage to make a pretty good 'Undo screw up!!' feature. ; )


  • Posts: 10
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    By the way, if you have a problem restoring.. try to either restart your PC, or use another PC to restore the phone. This fixed that problem for me.. not sure why..

    But it worked!

  • CL
    CL Posts: 1
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    I've run into this problem five times over the past week. What a piece of crap.

  • Bthomp2000
    Bthomp2000 Posts: 1
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    I read this just after going to apple and exchanging my iphone in for a new one. I got stuck at the boot logo at least one time a day.

  • Awayze
    Awayze Posts: 10
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    I'm having this problem a lot. Best thing is not to have many apps from App Store. I also lost a lot of messges that I would have liked to kept as memories :-(

  • Ross Nathan
    Ross Nathan Posts: 1
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    I have recently bought an 8 gig Iphone off from a friend of mine. It was working fine after it had been jailbroken and I was loving every minute of it like a geek! 2 days later it started shutting down with no warning, rebooting with the apple logo then shutting down again, rebooting.... doing this every 5 seconds. WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT???!!! I am very disconcerted!

    I really need my phone and I have tried everything! ziphone and ibricker neither work, is there anything else I can do other than using a hammer and chisel?

  • sar
    sar Posts: 2
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    I had my iphone 1st Gen. at 2.2 firmware level. I used quickpwn tool for jail breaking and unlockling. The tool said the process was successful…and after rebooting it is still at the Apple boot screen with Apple logo displaying.
    It seems it tries to reboot again after sometime with 2 buzz.
    My computer recognises the iphone but itunes does not recognise my iphone (1st Gen)

    If I presss HOME+SLEEP reboots and then I leave SLEEP button ..still holding HOME
    ....I get the itunes Connection screen(on Iphone)
    BUT still itunes does not recognise my iphone
    Any help ???

  • sar
    sar Posts: 2
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    I read somewhere uninstall itunes and do what I did above (Home+Sleep…till itunes comes on iphone)…
    I used another computer where I had another itunes….I did above and itunes could detect my phone (after couple of min).
    I tried restoring it……it wanted a firmware download…Itunes started downloading…But even before itunes completed downloading….my iphone rebooted (maybe like screen saver)…and lo and behold my Iphone started working again……!!
    What a relief !!!

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    i av iphone 3g with firmware 2_2.2 ,how can i restore with out the firmware upgrade

  • krikaoli
    krikaoli Posts: 1
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    Thanks from Brazil. I had the problem after jailbreaking it. I don't know if I will jailbreak again...

  • Ruperdt
    Ruperdt Posts: 1
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    I have a way different problem but this works. I went to the Setting app to the delete section thing. I accidentally went to the one that deletes MEDIA! I started freaking so I held the sleep/wake and home to turn off, tried to turn back on and it started doing that apple logo thing. When I turned it on, it came on, then went back off. It only came up when I tried to turn it back on. I followed these steps and they worked great! (But still, 30 min. download? Jeez...)

  • TheMoneyGuy
    TheMoneyGuy Posts: 1
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    Please help me my iPod touch 4 is not working the apple sign appears then disappears please help my email is

  • Lucy
    Lucy Posts: 6
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    many thanx from Australia!! i tried to jailbreak it cuz it was locked to an American network and halfway thru jailbreaking i got the death logo. ur steps has bought up the connect to itunes screen and it currently restoring!!! thanx champ!!
  • ovidiu1305
    ovidiu1305 Posts: 1
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    I created a more up to date totorial here about how to fix your iphone(also added a video) it helps, if not let me help can fix it online for you if you want
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    I need HELP!!! I have a 3gs I have tried to restore it several times even trying the freezer trick. It just restores then when it reboots after it still sticks on the apple logo. Please help!!!