Apple and AT&T Working on iPhone Tethering Plan?

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Apple and AT&T Working on iPhone Tethering Plan?

Gizmodo is reporting that one of their readers sent them a pretty legitimate-looking email thread of Steve Jobs responding to a complaint regarding iPhone not have tethering capabilities. If the email thread that has been published is true then there are chances we could use iPhone for tethering purposes without...

Read the full story here


  • LoneWaffle
    LoneWaffle Posts: 17
    via Wordpress

    That's so retarded. You spend $30/month for "unlimited" data, so what difference should that make to ATT if you tether or not, your package says "unlimited"!!!! But it seems that ATT is afraid of people going over the unwritten limit of "unlimited" and demand additional money while they provide no additional service to you. The process of tethering has nothing to do with ATT and, by itself does not tax ATT to simply tether. They are stingy with their bandwidth and are raping customers with crappy networking speeds for high premiums. The telecoms screw everyone and we're supposed to be happy to pay unreasonable prices for crappy services, and that's why we (the US) is so far behind in Internet connectivity compared to the rest of the civilized world, even though we created it. We are 30th, right behind Slovnia in Internet connectivity. I hate it when people try to tell me that's not true while the average Japanese citizen enjoys 100 Mbps synchronous (100 Megabit up AND down) for a similar price. About a year ago a man installed T3 internet at his grandmother's house for about the same price as normal broadband as a proof of concept to demonstrate how bad price gouging is. But nobody offers a competitive service so we eat our **** with a smile on our faces. It just pisses me off.

    I love ATT. I think they kick more ass than the other cell services around here, but I hate their pricing. Unfortunately, like I said, nobody seems to be much better.

  • Greg
    Greg Posts: 106
    via Wordpress

    Trivial, but has anyone ever tried typing ATT onto their iPhone? It automatically capitalizes and adds the & sign -- typing "att" autocorrects into "AT&T".

    Weird that Steve Jobs himself would send an email from his iPhone without the little & symbol considering its automatic...

  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
    via Wordpress

    Looks very, very fake. Why would he say "ATT" instead of AT&T. He's a professional, not some kid.

  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
    via Wordpress

    unless Steve considers himself a master touch-typist and turned off autocorrect?

  • e-man
    e-man Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    I agree with the first post. 3g isn't everywhere and I'm not gonna pay $60 for the same service my phone already has. Complete rippoff.

  • bastian gatten
    bastian gatten Posts: 43
    via Wordpress

    When I type att into my iphone 3G it does not correct it to AT&T or at&t. I remember at one time my 2G iphone did. But since ive had this one every time ive had to type in att into my phone and want the "&" symbol in there I had to do it myself.