AptBackup Takes Backup of Jailbreak Apps

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imageAptBackup Takes Backup of Jailbreak Apps

Whenever you upgrade to the latest firmware version there is no issue syncing the iPhone apps downloaded from the App Store as iTunes takes care of taking backups and syncing it for you after a firmware update. However, in case of the jailbreak apps, the painful part of upgrading to...

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  • Darren
    Darren Posts: 43
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    works great. I installed aptbackup prior to updating the 2.2 firmware. I ran aptbackup after I was done restoring and I was able to get all my cydia apps back.

  • se23
    se23 Posts: 19
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    Darren where did u get 2.2? do u have iphone?

  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    I did the same before 2.2 but it didn't work for me. The icons didnt show up.

  • Mimic
    Mimic Posts: 2
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    did this when i upgraded to 2.1 and it worked like a dream, thank you for this app

  • Darren
    Darren Posts: 43
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    yes iphone, I got the custom firmware from this one site that had 3 rar files I had to download. It was a custom .ispw so I didn't need Winpwn since I have a Windows system.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
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    Didn't work for me, I clicked restore and it said "restore can only happen after a backup has been performed and the iphone has been restored." - which i did!

    ..and yes, I also made sure I synced with itunes after I backed up.

    Pain in the arse, as I now have to do it all manually.

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Same thing happened to me. Backed up, then synced, then upgraded from 2.1 to 2.2, then jailbroke, then restored from backup, and reinstalled aptbackup and gave me the error of "Restore can only happen after a backup has been performed and iPod has been restored." What a waste...

  • pirx
    pirx Posts: 1
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    I updated to firmware 2.2, synced and downloaded/installed aptbackup from Cydia. Aptbackup did find the back-up data and did reinstall all Cydia apps. Does what it says and says what it does.

    BUT upon reboot my iPhone went into an infinite loop.

    I suspect this is because several Cydia apps require a reboot. Instead, Aptbackup continues downloading and installing app after app without rebooting, resulting ultimately in an infinite loop upon boot.

    I am not sure which of the Cydia apps is responsible, one or several.

    Aptbackup should reboot when necessary and contnue installing apps only after each required reboots. If Aptbackup does not do that, its usabiity is significantly impaired.

    I had to restore again and manually install all Cydia apps.

  • c
    c Posts: 19
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    I updated to firmware 2.2 on my 2G iPhone and then went to install AptBackup via Cydia. It says it installled, but the icon is nowhere to be found on my iPhone. I'm guessing from the above comments, that perhaps AptBackup needs a new updated version to work properly with 2.2. Does anyone have anyway of getting ahold of Chris, the author?

  • I got this app on my ipod touch 2.1 firmware, then i tapped restore by accident instead of backup, then i panicked and pressed the sleep button on my ipod, it went to the restore screen( white apple logo in black background)and has been since forever. worst thing is that this happened on a plane when i was on my way to another country for holiday for 2 months, plus i cant restore it cus my comp is thousands of miles away.
    now im stuck with a useless ipod for my whole "holiday" trip which sucks big time.

    I suggest they include a function that asks " are u sure u want to restore?" or something similiar to prevent cases like this.

    Any help or suggestions are welcome
    bellybutton poopiestien.

  • I got this app on my ipod touch 2.1 firmware, then i tapped restore by accident instead of backup, then i panicked and pressed the sleep button on my ipod, it went to the restore screen( white apple logo in black background)and has been since forever. worst thing is that this happened on a plane when i was on my way to another country for holiday for 2 months, plus i cant restore it cus my comp is thousands of miles away.
    now im stuck with a useless ipod for my whole "holiday" trip which sucks big time.

    I suggest they include a function that asks " are u sure u want to restore?" or something similiar to prevent cases like this.

    Any help or suggestions are welcome
    bellybutton poopiestien.

  • Erol
    Erol Posts: 2
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    works great. good post. thanks.

  • Stefan
    Stefan Posts: 13
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    yes this solution is working correctly. I've tested today and it's total easy and it's work perfect!

  • sgankcin76@yahoo.com
    via Wordpress

    i am having the 3.1.2 firmware, when I tried to restore using the APTbackup it caused the phone to just locked up

    I have to restore the phone all over again.

    Anyone can advise what is wrong?

  • Ambivalentman
    Ambivalentman Posts: 1
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    i have an iphone 2G and was jailbroken with latest firmware 3.1.2 at first the cydia is working fine and i can install other APIs using the cydia included with it. suddenly, when i open the cydia the other day, all resources were gone and could not even add resources in it. it says " warning: Database duplicate sources.list entry http://apple-news.fr/ packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/apple-news.fr_repo_._Packages)
    Then when i press okay again it says " Error:Database Encountered a section with no Package:header then it will open cydia but full of errors and no packages, resources to be seen in the cydia page; if you go to sections; nothing there,if you go to manage- cannot add resources it has errors

    Please help me...

  • jason chew
    jason chew Posts: 1
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    Thanks for the app! But is there anyway to backup all the cydia apps' data too? For example i have alot of downloaded videos on mxtube and i'm afraid it'll all be gone even via aptbackup and i really don't wanna lose them as i use mxtube more than the ipod function :/

  • alkicks
    alkicks Posts: 1
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    finally someone how knows the actual problem with upgrading the firmware.apps arent the issue, they are easy to download. its all the mx tube vids and d tunes music etc.that i would be worried about also!!

  • Aoune Mohammad
    Aoune Mohammad Posts: 1
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    should have given a bit more on that bro! worked perfectly fine on 3.2.1! THANKS!:)

  • Vince
    Vince Posts: 31
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    i download my music on dtunes, if i restore it using this app. will my music still be there or will i have to re download everything?

  • CJ
    CJ Posts: 47
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    For dTunes and other media, simply SSH into your phone and save your files to your computer. I use PC so I downloaded WinSCP. On the opening page of cydia, scroll down to openSHH. There are instructions there. Your media can be found somewhere in /var/mobile/library/downloads or /media ? Something like that.

  • dayzer
    dayzer Posts: 1
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    ok here is the thing i heard, i heard that if you unjailbreak your iphone and update it to the next version you'll lose all your apps. along with the memory. for example if your apps. take up 50% of your memory then youll only have 50% of memory left out of a 100%. so will the apt. back-up restore the memory or something how does it work? plz help.

  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    I'm trusting you with this...I am updating my iOS 4.0 iPod Touch 3rd gen to 4.1, because the Greenpois0n JB is going to be released soon. I backed up and synced and I'm currently downloading and installing using iTunes. I really hope this doesn't screw up!

  • Deasc
    Deasc Posts: 1
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    To fix broken sources.listW: warning: Database duplicate sources.list entryedit your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cydia.list via ssh. Remove duplicates.
  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    It didn't work when I did it with iOS4.3.3. I press Restore and it comes up with a message saying it only works after doing a backup .. which I had done :-( I think where it went wrong is that I didn't run it immediately after doing the Jailbreak ... instead I did it a day later and in the meantime the iphone had done a further backup/sync with iTunes ... that's the only thing I can think of ... so because the new itunes backup didn't have any jailbreak apps it didn't work?!?!?!
  • bryan
    bryan Posts: 57
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    After using this app it caused my iPhone 4 iOS 4.0.1 to not start up anymore. **** this app!
  • Killca
    Killca Posts: 1
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    not working fullyI downloaded this app, I made backup, then sync with itunes. Then I made update of my iOS from 4.2.1 to 4.3.3. ... Next I made JB, installed aptbackup again and clicked to restore (in aptbackup), it was doing something, end and "vualaaa" almost nothing (it restored only SBsettings and 5 apps from 50 apps)wow, but it isnt end, then i installed **** and **** in cydia and i tried to install JB apps saved in itunes (required using "transfer purschases" everytime when iphone connected) manualy from itunes, one by one...All off apps are installed back. I dont know, if it was because of aptbackup or itunes error, but this comment can help someone.
  • Will
    Will Posts: 104
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    Used the app to backup, update to 4.3.3, jailbreak, install app, restore, and all but my system apps are gone. Cydia apps are back and settings restored, but all other apps are gone. Really gone. Not happy.
  • bd
    bd Posts: 3
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    Same issue as Will. Just restored and most of my App Store apps are gone and Cydia apps remain.
  • Carey
    Carey Posts: 6
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    HELP!!! This put froze my 4.2.10 Verizon CDMA into permanent black screen/white apple screen status! Nothing I do will get it out. PLEASE HELP!!
  • Simion
    Simion Posts: 1
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