iPhone 3G VS T-Mobile G1: Is T-Mobile G1 with Google's Android OS an iPhone Killer?

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imageiPhone 3G VS T-Mobile G1: Is T-Mobile G1 with Google's Android OS an iPhone Killer?

T-Mobile G1 was launched in late September, which is considered by many as the real "iPhone Killer". Is it really an iPhone Killer? I am going to run a side-by-side comparison between Apple's iPhone 3G and T-Mobile G1 to see which one will stand out For starters, you may not...

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  • thedevilsjester
    thedevilsjester Posts: 25
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    You miss a few crucial (to me) points.

    1. Android OS, while its easier and less restrictive to develop for, will also run into the problem of every device having different hardware capabilities and different features, making it more difficult to develop for, and (eventually) requiring users to look at the specs of each game and app to make sure that their phone can run it, where as the iPhone, with a couple exceptions, has one power, one feature set, one target to develop for.

    2. You give the G1 the win on input because of the physical Qwerty keyboard, and its this very item which is the reason I wont buy it. To those of us that dont use a Qwerty keyboard (and there is a lot), this is a considerable flaw. Sure its possible for applications to use some on screen keyboard, that can be hacked just like the iPhones, but most games or applications will not be designed with this in mind.

    3. Another deal breaker for me is that the G1 doesnt have a 3.5mm headphone port, and the included adapter is a half-assed solution.

    Android is awesome, but this first attempt at an Android based phone is lost to me.

  • Brandon
    Brandon Posts: 86
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    Android looks awesome and is obviously the only true competitor with the iPhone and its OS. I just don't like the phone that it is in right now.

    Now give me and iPhone with Android OS installed on it and that would be amazing. lol

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hey thedevilsjester,

    You are right about the problems Google will face with Andriod OS. Its similar to the problem Microsoft has in the PC market but it also gives them the platform to sell to a much larger audience.

    Apple's strategy with the iPhone is similar to the one they have with Macs, which is to offer a complete user experience, with both hardware and software tightly integrated. It is going to be difficult to beat that combination.

    I think the other issue Google will have at least in the short term is with Android Market. There are still no details on how developers can charge for their apps so I doubt there will be a flood of apps that we have seen with the App Store. For example: EA has made an announcement that they will support the Android platform but has elected to wait for the launch of a content billing solution.

    Interesting point about the physical Qwerty keyboard, I have always felt that a Qwerty keyboard would be nice, its easier to use a physical keyboard if you use emails heavily. But at the same time I love browsing the internet using iPhone's Safari browser and its multi-touch user interface. But you are right there will definitely be users who don't want one. I guess it boils down to ones personal preference.

    I have updated the post with the point about the 3.5mm headset jack feature in iPhone 3G. You were spot on.

    Thanks for your comments.


  • thedevilsjester
    thedevilsjester Posts: 25
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    @ iPhoneHacks
    As a game and software developer that has had to deal with the hardware issue on 'general' mobile platforms like the PPC and PalmOS, I can say that having a single spec to develop for, is better for both the developer and end user experience.

    We can already see this, albeit on a very small scale, with the hardware differences between the 2G and 3G iPhones. Imagine that on a much larger scale with many companies all making multiple phone models.

    Androids strength, is also its weakness.

    Not to beat a dead horse anymore, I just felt like that needed a bit more explanation.

  • andres
    andres Posts: 23
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    The big downside of the Iphone it's Apple itself, with all the restrictions that they have over the Iphone. If they do not open the Iphone, it will past to the History as a revolutionary gadget but it will not last.
    The Android on the long run it will be the killer software.
    The King is dead, long live to the King.

  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    don't think unlocking the platform will kill the iPhone but the battery life will. If someone creates a device with better battery life n works with itunes i'd drop this 3g in a heart beat...

    Why would one want to leave the phone on standby 4 for over 100hours... It's hard to keep off...I bought it to use not to keep on standby

    Google phone is the sidekick with a makeover.. It's like Zoolander! It's the same thing.....don't u people get it :o

  • thedevilsjester
    thedevilsjester Posts: 25
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    @ Louis
    The Google phone is much more than that. Saying its just a side kick with a make over is like saying a Lamborghini is a VW with a make over. Sure it might have a few physical similarities (The Lamborghini and VW both have 4 wheels!), but under the hood the G1 uses Android. A very powerful Linux based OS, and this makes all the difference in the world.

    I just wish that they had spent a little more effort in designing the G1. It wont 'kill' the iPhone, not the G1. Android has the possibility in the right hands, apparently HTC are not those hands.

  • Niikde
    Niikde Posts: 1
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    One thing that I've noticed when there's mention of "iPhone" killers is the seeming assumption that Apple will not evolve and react to the iPhone competitor. I hope that both platforms become popular because, in doing so, both products will improve drastically in each company's respective effort to out do the other.

  • thedevilsjester
    thedevilsjester Posts: 25
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    I agree Niikde. Its the same with the iPod. Every time a new MP3 player hits market, everyone wonders if its going to be an iPod killer. And if Apple had stood still, and never expanded beyond the very first iPod, then the newer devices would indeed 'kill' it, however Apple continues to innovate and the iPod is still the undisputed leader in MP3 players.

  • Dododaniel
    Dododaniel Posts: 1
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    That Sir thedevilsjester is an excellent point. Just look at HDTV for example. Plenty of competition in that field of technology an look where its heading--> Cheaper, bigger, brighter and flatter....

  • chubgo
    chubgo Posts: 3
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    Hey thedeviljester and the rest of you guys that are stuck on the 3.5mm headphone jack, the G1 will have Bluetooth Stereo!!!!! We are in a wireless society!! No one wants to be tethered to their device all day. The iPhone would be a far better device if Apple would just cut the cords and allow us to use the bluetooth for more than just listening to phonecalls. Also everyone doesn't like software keyboards and everyone doesn't like full hardware keyboards that is just a matter of preference, and don't get me on the battery issue!! Apple should allow us users to be able to replace a dead battery with a freshly charged spare. I don't like carrying my charger around with me all day but I have to because I use my phone for work and the battery dies in about 3hrs!!!!! Its sickening. I don't think the appstore or itunes are all that great. Apple wields too much control over what you can or can't put on this device (thank God for jailbreaking). If Apple would loosen the strings the iPhone would then become a truly GREAT device.

  • thedevilsjester
    thedevilsjester Posts: 25
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    @ chubgo

    Thats a pretty narrow view there.

    You complain about battery life (which is actually better than the G1), and then want to force everyone to use yet another battery powered device, so not only do we have to worry about the phone dying, we have to worry about our wireless headset dying too. Yeah...thats really a good idea.

    Have you seen Blue Tooth ear buds? They remind me of the days when we had 4 inch thick laptops, and cellphones came in suitcases. Also what happens when one of those bad boys falls out of your ear and lands on the concrete? Or should we all carry large over the ears headphones around with us?

    Not to mention reception for Blue Tooth headsets is ... not great either. I tried using various Blue Tooth headsets for my PS3, my PC, and my Phones, to 'cut the cord', and it didnt take me very long to go back to that cord.

    Wireless may 'be the future', but we still have a ways to go in some areas.

  • chubgo
    chubgo Posts: 3
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    @ thedevilsjester

    I may have a narrow view in your world but in mine cords are trouble. I've already had to have my iphone replaced because of my headset cord constantly getting caught while i'm working which shorted the 3.5mm jack. I currently have a bluetooth stereo headset with a 10hr battery life which outlasts my iphone 3 times over. I just can't use the stereo feature with my iPhone.

    Look, all i'm saying is that Apple won't cut the cord because they are making even more money off the overpriced ugly and uncomfortable corded headsets that they sell to you for listening to your music, because they are horrible for a phone conversation. How can you have a trendsetting device that can't even perform the basic functions that a cheap flip phone can (ex. A2DP and MMS)? Since I'm stuck with a horrible AT&T contract, I would like to have an iphone that has the OPTION for me to use my stereo bluetooth headset or for my daughter to use her corded ones.

    Hey, I'm sorry that you've had bad experiences with BT Headsets but mine have been wonderful, battery life very long and stereo sound very good. Apple should just give me the OPTION to use the current technology but they won't because they are all powerful and don't have to provide us with OPTIONS.

    Once again, I thank God for the individuals that gave us jailbreaking and enabled us to use the device as it was meant to be used. I just hope they can do something about the stereo bluetooth so that i can listen to my music without cords.

    Just my two cent opinion.

  • thedevilsjester
    thedevilsjester Posts: 25
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    @ chubgo
    The vast majority of the world is still using 3.5mm. It doesnt matter if you have a problem keeping your cord from getting caught at work, it wont change this simple fact. Time might, but not within the next 5-10 years, not on a scale to dwarf 3.5mm, let alone even catch up.

    All the people I have ever know that use an iPod/Portable Music player, do so with Ear Buds, not an over the ear headset. Wireless Ear Buds are _very_ bulky, and just as prone to falling out as normal ear buds (mine do a couple times an hour...). All it takes is once. One time for it to fall out, hit the concrete, and its gone. No BT will not replace 3.5mm, not now, and probably not ever. Not for portable devices at least.

    Also using BlueTooth, drains your battery a good deal faster, and most devices battery time claims are done with optional things like BlueTooth turned off.

    I agree that having the option on the iPhone would be nice for those few that want to use it, but that doesnt excuse HTC for not including a 3.5mm.

  • @ thedevilsjester
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    Neither does it excuse Apple for not including A2DP in the iPhone. I am willing to bet that if ipod/iPhone users were given the choice to use ear buds or BT Headset they would choose BT. The problem is the fact that they are not given the choice. Now I see that Apple might just give them that choice in the next version of the iPhone. When it does happen i would like to see a poll taken of those that have the choice.

    I also have to say that not all BT headsets are bulky...quite the opposite the better ones are not only small but the battery life and durability are excellent. They even have behind the ear BT headsets that are very very comfortable.

  • D-man
    D-man Posts: 5
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    Outside of the US the true Iphone killer is the HTC-TouchHD(8282).

  • D-man
    D-man Posts: 5
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    Outside of the US the true Iphone killer is the HTC-TouchHD(8282).

  • kinvid
    kinvid Posts: 1
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    Please correct that the Iphone is 4.5" tall, not 5.5".

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    i still dont know which one to buy...sigh i-phones sexyness yet the g1's keyboard...both are a must to have...but i am still quite stuck.

  • Michael Dickerson
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    So Glad I stumbled upon this blog:0
    I have owned the Iphone(kept it 3months before i went back to my unlocked Tilt)
    Had my G1 for a week now......
    It breaks down like this......
    the Iphone is like the sexiest hooker you have ever seen but she is terrible in the sack and after you give her your money you wish you would have just picked up a fat girl at the bar(shes free, and probably can **** better).
    The G1 on the other hand is like the girl you can actually have a conversation with and loves you to death and will suck you off at half time of the game without you having to even ask. Plus you can take her home to mom and dad without being ashamed, But she aint the sexiest girl in the world allthough she is pretty.......

    ohh and I have to say anyone that prefers corded headphones over bluetooth is a idiot or lyer...remember apple babies will say anything to get you to see things the way they do...skeewed.
    my opinion.... anyone who has used both the (lyephone) Iphone and the G1 for any good period of time and tells you Iphone has anything other than sexy on the G1 is simply..................?

    A LYER.
    (see how everthing says "Iphone" at the bottom of this page? AppleBabbies dont want to find the best devices, they want to bash and discredit anything not a apple product).
    Steve Jobs is the ultimate corporate hippie remember that makes him a amaizing lyer and its easy for him:)

    any intrest contact me and put your iphone up against my G1 and i will crush it on anything, even the mp3 player on G1 is more integrated than the Iphone...best mp3 my ass.
    come on dont be scared take the pepsi challenge:)

  • YOKE
    YOKE Posts: 1
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    Hey guys don't fight I am a referee ..be fair and look in the reality future world..future will need wireless devices not a cord..and future will still need a physical keyboard which is not speak typing command(yet)..still to come..stereo bluetooth motorola had it even now they sell HD stereo..try it better than cord..and free to jocking or dancing guys..it's not bulk like those out of date..people said..that why we had PC..world not stuck with Mac..or any monopoly types..that they can command you guys to buy whatever they want you to buy..new software coming like a new things..that we should let them..keep developing that why our consummers like you and me get the benefit..don,t beat them so bad for a new fighter they just warm up..please please..be fair

  • buckaroobonsai
    buckaroobonsai Posts: 1
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    I actually have owned both so can comment with credibility.

    My top 10 reasons why the G1 is the clear winner:

    1) You can drag & drop music & video files on any computer, (PC or MAC), without any additional programs.

    2) You can choose at least 3 different browsers, some even have the touch keyboard as well.

    3) The Android App store is currently loaded with hundreds of quality apps, ALL FREE. They download quickly and have many titles that are not available on either the Apple App store or Cydia for that matter.

    4) Although the screen is a bit smaller, the G1 is brighter & sharper than ANY other phone on the market. Read the reviews.

    5) Replaceable battery, so you can carry spares on the road and not have to worry about factory service if the battery needs to be replaced.

    6) Bluetooth stereo capable hardware. It's just a matter of time before the software is developed. Iphone, not possible.

    7) Slide out keyboard can be used at the same time as the touch screen. Touch and scroll with the screen, and type WAY faster using the keyboard. BACK and HOME button make life easier too as you can imagine.

    8) Trackball like the Blackberry. Many uses, not just the BEST way to play the Pac-Man app.

    9) Voice dialing standard, less dropped calls and stronger bluetooth connectivity.

    10) Uses standard mini-usb connection for sync and charging, SDHC card slot, MYFAVS app, only $25 a month for unlimited 3G and 400 SMS, end button locks phone without having to wait for time-out, standard MP3 to ringtone conversion with a press of a button, COPY & PASTE, and the list goes on and on and on.

    Ok, I know thats more than 10 reasons, but you get the point. I sold my iPhone the very next day after getting the G1 and never looked back. Just the like the Matrix, until you experience it for yourself, you really don't know what you're missing.

    Welcome to the REAL world!


  • twperson205@gmail.com
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    Who would make the g1 a winner on a iphone site....LOL!! I love my. G1...iam not restricted to the app store for music and videos...I love the free market!! It gives developers a chance to shine...did I mention the apps are free!!! And when they are for sale the will be $1.oo yep a entire buck!! Oh and when I got my g1 it came with everything I needed..including a case!!! Did I mention the chargerS..got them to...my friend has an iflunked sorry iphone and I ask her to forward a msg from a mutual friend and she said she couldn't..only through email was this available...wow!!! The market gave g1 users the virtual keyboard...now we got two ways to txt..and who. "L" listens to music while charging your phone and surfing the web!! Its not a laptop..its a phone!! Hello!! And does that back still get hot when doing all of that stuff..now I must say that the iphone does have that sleek,nice and shiny look.but so does my HDTV its a 50 inch..and the iphone screen is about half of that right? Lol? Maybe APPLE can make some finger extenstions for those with really tiny palms....