iPhone version of Opera Mini Will Not be Coming to the App Store

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imageiPhone version of Opera Mini Will Not be Coming to the App Store

Saul Hansell from New York Times who had interviewed Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner, co-founder and CEO of Opera had quoted him saying that the iPhone version of the App Store was rejected by Apple has got some clarifications from Mr. von Tetzchner on the issue. Therefore, if you were an...

Read the full story here


  • Free Wii
    Free Wii Posts: 0
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    I really like the opera browser and this news is very disappointing. I think it would have been so much better than the safari browser.

  • Free PS3
    Free PS3 Posts: 4
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    My safari browser on my iPhone keeps crashing and this was going to be a lifeline. Oh Well have to stick with the rubbish apple browser

  • okeydokey
    okeydokey Posts: 1
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    I would rather have IE5 than Opera, but I do think it's time apple pulled their fingers out of their corporate arses and allowed some competition.
    why can't we have tomtom? Firefox and or Opera? how about an office (compatible) suite, java, flash, a home page, landscape for all apps.....

  • Shamit Khemka
    Shamit Khemka Posts: 0
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    Ya, this news is very disappointing.

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    personally I would like to see firefox for the iphone, but that is pure preferance, it just runs smoother and faster for me, but i might be biased. But they should at least release opera for the jailbroken iphone i loved it when i used it on my RAZR.

  • Ravishan
    Ravishan Posts: 0
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    I think we should get OPERA MINI BROWSER to work with Jailbroken iPhones. Since so called Apple "Policy" doesn't work. We should do it our way. Apple Engineers are so stupid that they have disabled so many good features like MMS, Video Recording & Bluetooth sharing on the iPhone. So studpid. Where all the Jailbroken iPhones have all the features.

    Haha.. Stupid Steve Jobs..

  • mikev
    mikev Posts: 2
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    One thing that has not been mentioned is that as Opera mini compresses the web page significantly (in my experience up to 75%), download costs will be reduced. This mean reduced income for Apple's exclusive partners which they won't like! So I suspect Opera Mini may be be rejected if and when it is submitted.

  • jooeyigno
    jooeyigno Posts: 0
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    why has there not been a anti trust lawsuit from any of these companies Microsoft got just for putting there browser in windows yet nothing is being said about apple being 100% anti competitive about software on the iPhone some companies need to step up to the plate and sue them in order for this type of thing to change

  • tungsten2k
    tungsten2k Posts: 1
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    3 words:

    "Opera Proxy Client"

    "Desc: This is an thin client application for connecting to the proprietary Opera Proxy Service. The Opera Proxy Service is currently available by signing up free of charge at http://www.opera.com."

    problem solved

  • Penney Medlen
    Penney Medlen Posts: 1
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    woww.. really good one .. i like it