AT&T finally Announces Free Wi-Fi for its iPhone Users in US (Including at Starbucks)

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imageAT&T finally Announces Free Wi-Fi for its iPhone Users in US (Including at Starbucks)

AT&T has finally announced that they are offering free Wi-Fi access to iPhone users across the US at thousands of hotspots nationwide including Starbucks. We had first heard about AT&T's plans to offer free Wi-Fi access to iPhone users back in May and then again in July, however at that...

Read the full story here


  • Jared
    Jared Posts: 67
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    Thats funny... I didnt get the text.

  • CristV
    CristV Posts: 7
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    I have just a question, if AT&T would not allowed to by iPhone with out a line activation, and the plan doesn't have the option to eliminate the 3G internet access, why in the world will the allowed to use Wi-Fi?, I mean, if you have internet 24/7, why will you need other type of connection?, can someone explain that to me, bcause it doesn't make sense.

  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    I didn't get the text either.

    There are various reasons that you need other forms of connections:
    3G is only available in limited areas
    3G is unreliable in a lot of the areas that it is available
    Wifi is still faster than 3G and the iPhone uses A LOT of data
    Wifi is easier on the battery than 3G (At least as far as I can tell)

  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    ALso I would like to note that if they would now allow us to connect to the internet through iPhone (tethering) via Bluetooth, then we could also have free wifi for our laptops.

  • jeffz
    jeffz Posts: 1
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    is it possible to buy the iphone from AT&T without paying for web service. i have AT&T currently and im due for an upgrade the 24th of November, and i want to get the iphone WITHOUT thr web service. i don't know how to work around that only way i thought would be to subscribe to the service and in the middle of the first month call ATT and tell them my phone broke, i dropped it or something and tell them i cant use Internet and cancel my web service only. would that work? or any other ideas? i mean if wifi is about now this would help me a lot as i am a student and can hardly pay my regular phone service as it is let alone the web service for like an extra $30.
    thanks for all the help.

  • pointdexter
    pointdexter Posts: 4
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    sorry bro no can do. i work for att cust care and the data plan is required. even if we take it off our system catches it and automatically adds it back on there to prevent outragous data charges. and if you tell us u broke it even still the data plan cannot be removed untill the device is changed in our systems....just get a touch.

  • Irha
    Irha Posts: 37
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    Just in case someone doesn't know, if you have their highspeed internet (dsl, u-verse etc.), then you can already get free wifi by using the same credentials.

  • Phewop
    Phewop Posts: 4
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    I didn't get the text either.

    As with some others, I don't really see the point of this, as 3G coverage is now in most major cities and is almost as fast as WIFI on the iphone. Even still, who is going to sit in a coffee shop and browse the internet all day on their cellphone? I could maybe see if AT&T allowed tethering, but who's to say you can't just use your laptop instead of your iphone using the free 24 hr access?

  • CristV
    CristV Posts: 7
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    well, doesn't even comes with the plan an internet service even do 3G is not available?, if not, that will make AT&T a bunch of thief's because their are charging for a service that they won't provide, still doesn't make sense, if you have an iPhone and a plan with AT&T whether 3G or not, you are paying for internet service, you don't have a choice, and if so, you don't need Wi-Fi at all, so what's the trick?, I don't get it, call me wood headed, but it doesn't make sense.

  • el gwaping
    el gwaping Posts: 1
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    it is always faster to download when you are connected to wifi compare to 3G connection. Some area does not have 3G connection so having a wifi in your iphone is much better than 2G connection.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I got the text. I was surprised, and first thing I checked this site to confirm :D

    Anyway, for all you confused folk out there.

    1 - Wifi is faster on the iPhone than 3g. All day, every day, no matter what. Here in Seattle, 3g tends to be around 1.8 mbit, faster than Qwest DSL. Wifi is faster.

    2 - If you have 3g (if you have an iPhone, you must have 3g service @ $30 a month), you're basically always connected, even if it's not blazing fast. Wifi is faster. You don't need Wifi, but it's a nice convenience if your coffee shop has it.

    Since my iPhone is jailbroken, I can tether it and steal the Wifi connection for use on my laptop. However, I would hope that the link you are texted could be used on your laptop straight up - a MAC address is a MAC address :D

  • CristV
    CristV Posts: 7
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    Yes, Wi-Fi is faster, but since your paying the money for internet service on the iPhone...., argh, never mind, who cares about a free connections if your already paying something else and can't get rid off, bsides, can u download big ass .dmg's?, no u can't, so, what's the difference?, 0.010 seconds, big deal, they still have your money and u think it's free, still doesn't make any sense to me

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    No, it's clearly not free. 3g nor this new wireless access is free. That's AT&T - they profit off the the exclusivity of the iPhone. Now that it's impossible to even get an iPhone without an AT&T contract further strengthens their position. The iPhone is maybe the only reason AT&T posted a profit last quarter.

    Personally, I despise AT&T - they screwed me over really bad on some BS roaming charges a few years back, and I switched to T-Mobile (but switched back, unfortunately). I also really disdain Apple - I'm certainly no fanboi. That said, I love my iPhone (especially now that's it's jailbroken). I just couldn't wait for Android to buy a smartphone.

    While it sucks to be wrangled into this crappy "data plan," it's a necessary evil. Now, we get Wifi - yay.

  • Santosh
    Santosh Posts: 8
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    Hello all,
    This is a good thing.....will it work if you dont have a dataplan on you because i dont have one.i bought my phone almost a year back and didnt take dataplan since i am a will this work for me...experts any comments...