AT&T's Tethering Plans for iPhone Leaked?

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imageAT&T's Tethering Plans for iPhone Leaked?

AT&T Mobility CEO Ralph De La Vega in an interview with Michael Arrington of TechCrunch at the Web 2.0 Summit had confirmed last week that AT&T would be offering an official tethering option for the iPhone "soon". MacBlogz is claiming that they have got details of AT&T's tethering plans from...

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  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
    via Wordpress

    I think Phone COmpanies and ISPs are getting greedy, unlimited data or unlimited internet access should mean exactly that, no caps, no restrictions (aside from saying you can't use it to break the law of course), just good old reliable internet access.

  • Gary
    Gary Posts: 37
    via Wordpress

    Even the wireless PC cards have a 5GB cap on them. There are no unlimited bandwidth data plans, tethered or not.

  • Amit
    Amit Posts: 40
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    I know only one thing about this that is "RIP OFF" from AT&T . I am already paying $30 for internet and i don't even have 3g in my area and they want may to pay $30 more for tethering. I cannot wait when other companies will have this iphone with some competition so consumers like us will get better plans.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    I pay $65.00 a month for unlimited internet access, unlimited text, and the my favs 300 plan from t-mobile. I have never gone over minutes and i have never incurred any charge for anything that i have done on my iphone. I agree, AT&T is a complete rip off and i would never, never pay what AT&T charges.

  • Blue
    Blue Posts: 32
    via Wordpress

    Agreed with all above. $30 for inet on a cell phone is excessive... Given both how slow/intermittent iphone net access is (even with full 3G service) let alone how infrequently cell phone inet is actually used! I'd be far happier with a $5-10/month inet plan, even one based on net usage, similar to text message plans (which are already too high as well, but at least slightly more reasonable).

    I happily used T-mobile for over a year with my first iPhone. Paid $45 month for all the minutes, txt, and inet use I needed. If only they had coverage in my new home area!!

    Adding another $30 for tethering is ridiculous! Hell, I would almost feel OK paying $30 for tethering _IF_ inet access was included in the regular ATT plan, rather than an added $30 already. Boooo AT&T!! Great that tethering is offered, but while milk customers already paying a premium?!?

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
    via Wordpress

    Are you kidding me? $30/month for the ability to tether with a 5GB limit? What a rip. This is the kind of crap that makes me want to jailbreak my iPhone.