AT&T Will Offer an Official Tethering Option for the iPhone Soon

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imageAT&T Will Offer an Official Tethering Option for the iPhone Soon

One of the features missing from the iPhone's rich feature list is the ability to tether the iPhone to feed a data connection to your computer to surf the internet. AT&T Mobility CEO Ralph De La Vega in an interview with Michael Arrington of TechCrunch has just confirmed that AT&T...

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  • Poi
    Poi Posts: 2
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    What? I already have PdaNet and it works so well I would not pay anymore monthly charges to do this

  • Posts: 10
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    $30 a month? When we're already paying for unlimited data, and they just upped the monthly fees for the 3G anyway?


  • Wicki Wicki
    Wicki Wicki Posts: 0
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    That's BS!!!! I have a blackberry and an iphone and all I did was find the tethering software for my bb and I was up and tethering. I already pay forty something for bbconnect, and 30 for iphone data!! Very dissapointed in the T

  • ADR
    ADR Posts: 10
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    F that! AT&T is an ffing ****, we're paying too much for the services as is, if it wasn't for the $175 cancellation contract fee, i would dump 'em a long time ago.

  • Bastian
    Bastian Posts: 3
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    No thanks... PDAnet works great for me.

  • bastian gatten
    bastian gatten Posts: 43
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    how about they give us... umm... MMS!!!! Like everyone else wants for their Iphone!

  • se23
    se23 Posts: 19
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    Although I live in uk this sounds like a joke. We pay too much as it is. Even if o2 offered this I would not bother as I barely get good 3g service on my iphone anyway. All rip-offs, im thinking of getting my wife to call o2 and tell them ive been sent to jail for a violent offence to get out of disconnection charges loooooooool

  • genx
    genx Posts: 1
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    My work provides me with verizon blackberry. It costs my company $77.00 a month with unlimited data, and tethering can be had for $15.00 extra a month. So AT&T wants $30 a month for 3G tethering that has much less coverage area than Verizon?! F*CK THAT!!

  • vapd
    vapd Posts: 1
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    I can't understand how ATT would charge an extra $30. I can hardly access the internet from my house so I would have no use for tethering. They should focus on upgrating the FU network that we are already over charged for. I love my phone but apple needs to drop ATT.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    My work provides me with verizon blackberry. It costs my company $77.00 a month with unlimited data, and tethering can be had for $15.00 extra a month. So AT&T wants $30 a month for 3G tethering that has much less coverage area than Verizon?! F*CK THAT!!
    So you think it's worth $92/mo w/tethering on a business plan for your verizon 3g coverage compared with $75/mo w/tethering on a business plan for at&t's 3g coverage (which is not far behind verizon's and is catching up very quickly). Call me crazy but $17/mo is quite a jump in cost considering the small margin of performance gain your getting from verizon (which by the way won't last more than a couple more months)

    Also, where the heck are you that verizon supposedly has so much better coverage than at&t?