Fake Calls - iPhone App to Bail Out of Boring Meetings
Have you ever told a friend or colleague before going for a boring meeting to give you a call in sometime so that you have an excuse to leave the meeting? With Fake Calls, an iPhone app developed by Magic Tap you will be able to do just that. The...
This is a cool app but it doesn't give you the option to change the ringtone. Someone could work it out that its not your ringtone that is playing but other than that, I could find this very useful
Does it disable the phone app so you don't get as real call while you are on your fake call? That would be embarrassing?
Hey Tom,
Good question, here is how it works if you get a call.
Two scenarios:
1. If you get a "real call" when you are also getting the "fake call", since its an iPhone app, the Fake call app exits and you get the "real call".2. If you are on your "fake call" the behavior is again similar, since its an iPhone app, the Fake call app exits and you get the "real call".
So you are right it can get embarrassing if you get a call when you are using the Fake Calls application :)
No point at all. Just ask your friend to call you and change the name and picture.
This is a great app except for the fact you can't change the ringtone. It could more useful with this update.