HTC One X And Evo 4G LTE Shipment Delayed by US Customs Over Patent Dispute With Apple

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imageHTC One X And Evo 4G LTE Shipment Delayed by US Customs Over Patent Dispute With Apple

The Verge reports that U.S. Customs officials have delayed shipments of HTC's One X and Evo 4G LTE Android-based smartphones into U.S. to investigate if they still infringe on Apple's patents.

Here's some background. Back in March 2011, Apple had filed a lawsuit against HTC alleging that the Taiwan based handset manufacturer has infringed on nearly 20 of Apple's proprietary inventions relating to the iPhone's UI, architecture and hardware.

Read the full story here


  • Saint Jester
    Saint Jester Posts: 1
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    Wow....for shame, Apple. As a company, you could just rise above and innovate further, making them chase you, but, instead, you use petty lawsuits. Might have to trade in my iPhone when a decent replacement comes out, of the Android or Windows variety.
  • Rip
    Rip Posts: 38
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    **** you Apple!!! My girlfriend wants that awesome HTC One X!!! Apple, you didn't invent ****!!!! You just pretend you did and you sue other companies!!!
  • Rip
    Rip Posts: 38
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    F*ck you Apple!!! My girlfriend wants that awesome HTC One X!!! Apple, you didn’t invent sh*t!!!! You just pretend you did and you sue other companies for making better products than your own!!!
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
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    It's like they believe they can make more money by limiting choice through injunctions then just licensing some of their patents. All these patent wars are just making these companies look bad especially Apple who have a lot invested in their brand image.
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Read the news, shipment bans have been imposed on Apple also
  • Cali boy
    Cali boy Posts: 2
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    All you haters. Don't hate the player, hate the game!
  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    Love the game but apple is a cheating player!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Que
    Que Posts: 48
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    Apple can be an @$$ sometimes.
  • Dan o
    Dan o Posts: 8
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    Why not just buy it unlocked online from another Country?
  • Gerard
    Gerard Posts: 29
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    It is not Apples fault HTC gave release date that did not take into account the checking of their products for infringing features. That is bad business on their part. All I know, smart phones did not look they way they look now until Apple entered the game. So all haters need to cut the BS. You all know the truth, you just don't want to admit it.
  • Geordthi1337
    Geordthi1337 Posts: 5
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    I love how all these haters read this on I the only one that sees the problem with this?! You're on an apple based site. Get the heck off the site if you're just gonna get your twat hurt. Apple gets the same crap on them too and they made smartphones what they are today so shut up cry babies. There's a reason why they're on top. It's not easy to beat the creator of the game...
  • bob
    bob Posts: 0
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    That stupid to say such crap. It's only a product not a lifestyle. Loser!
  • Que
    Que Posts: 48
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    Lol. Apple didn't creat cell phones. Apple phones will sell because of the name and the reliability of their products. They are trying to become a monopoly in this industries and that I think is unfair. How about working on adding best features rather than running that stupid Siri commercial and stop trying to sue companies for trying to catch up with you. Just an opinion from a proud iPhone 4GS owner :-)
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
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    The only one who seems "twat" hurt is you. This a fan site site and not a cult where you can't criticize a company that could care less for any of us. If Apple had their way we would be paying $400 for their latest generation phones on a 2 year contract.
  • Doobs
    Doobs Posts: 20
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    'proud owner', when did the 4GS come out, I must have missed something
  • Que
    Que Posts: 48
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    4S of course. I would buy the 4GS of they delayed the 5 for another year :-)
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    The law suits started because of Steve jobs, but at the end of the day apple does have some good points on thier law suits if a company is going to create something then make it totally diffrent don't just copy and paste a product, I would be mad too if I created something then everybody copies my idea
  • bigboss
    bigboss Posts: 4
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    That's not happening in the US. Only in Germany if not mistaken.but that was due to the fact that Motorola was on a defensive side so...I think apple deserves it
  • bigboss
    bigboss Posts: 4
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    You would have to allow companies to innovate your inventions to further developer the technology. Besides,brining in competition is healthy.thanks to android iPads are cheapr now.
  • iphone killa the, EVO
    via Wordpress
    It seems to be android is a better operating system than apple & if not why do Apple release phones every 8-12 months with one minor upgrade (4-4s) now with LTE coming in the next couple of months what are yall Apple users gonna do
  • Francesco
    Francesco Posts: 21
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    iPhone's r awesome
  • Rumour Mill
    Rumour Mill Posts: 14
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    I have an iPhone & a Mac Book Pro BUT I am not a "fanboy", IMHO the iPhone is a nice piece of hardware that is limited by the fact that crApple want to dictate how (and to a certain extent why) you use this expensive device you own. Let's be honest a "smartphone" that doesn't natively support the beaming of any file you choose via Bluetooth is not exactly "smart" now is it? Yes, I know I can (and have) Jailbreak my device but why should I have to? If Droid can't match the integration level of hard & software then I think it will be time for a change all round. As for litigation, that is just standard business practice alas, crApple does appear to be shooting itself in the foot though with it's continued vigerous patent squabbles.IMHO
  • Rumour Mill
    Rumour Mill Posts: 14
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    I have an iPhone & a Mac Book Pro BUT I am not a "fanboy", IMHO the iPhone is a nice piece of hardware that is limited by the fact that crApple want to dictate how (and to a certain extent why) you use this expensive device you own. Let's be honest a "smartphone" that doesn't natively support the beaming of any file you choose via Bluetooth is not exactly "smart" now is it? Yes, I know I can (and have) Jailbreak my device but why should I have to? If Droid can match the integration level of hard & software then I think it will be time for a change all round. As for litigation, that is just standard business practice alas, crApple does appear to be shooting itself in the foot though with it's continued vigerous patent squabbles.IMHO