Steve Jobs Worked Closely On Redesigned Next Generation iPhone With Larger Screen

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imageSteve Jobs Worked Closely On Redesigned Next Generation iPhone With Larger Screen

It looks like the embargo has been lifted. Bloomberg is the third publication after Wall Street Journal and Reuters to confirm that Apple's next generation iPhone will feature a larger screen.

Bloomberg also reports that according to their source, Steve Jobs had worked closely on the redesigned next generation iPhone with a larger screen.

Bloomberg reports:

Read the full story here


  • ifonix
    ifonix Posts: 76
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    let's say it is truth...waht caught my eye is "smaller dock connector". apple doing it again. you will have to buy a whole new set of charger, music dock, usb cables en so on.. or in simple words. milking some more money from you.
  • DillansiPhone
    DillansiPhone Posts: 8
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    :/ Man, i bet Steve Jobs had some amazing plans for the future of the iPhone before he passed away. I guess the world may never know.
  • Xepty1
    Xepty1 Posts: 4
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  • Speciallist
    Speciallist Posts: 9
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    Well they'd better be innovative and larger than 4" if they want to stick with theirs conservative "once for two years" new phone policy. Otherwise even balckberry will catch on. 2 bad Steve is spectating from above. Bet he is pulling hair off his halo :)
  • Sparky
    Sparky Posts: 17
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    Android phones aren't just about 4 inch screens... LOL
  • GX
    GX Posts: 3
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    The new iPhone will be the same design but with a curved back and 4" screen!
  • Amit
    Amit Posts: 40
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    It seems like anything apple put out they will say "Steve " on it just so consumers would buy it ..I say we all protest ..I'll meet u guys infront the store
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Yes, but the current iPhone connector TOTALLY SUCKS. Even MicroUSB is a universe better, but Apple will never go with something so pedestrian. They need to come up with a magnetic connector like the ones on the laptops. They get to sell a bunch of new over-priced accessories that will start out very limited. In then end it will be much better and some Chinese company will make converters for those sticking with the 4 and older models.
  • DillansiPhone
    DillansiPhone Posts: 8
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    The amazing thing about Steve Jobs is he h just didn't care about making money. He didnt every rush a phone out just to get sales. He actully took time and really worked on it until he thought it was just perfect. (: .
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    What barista in here has time to take off to protest? We are busy.
  • NRM
    NRM Posts: 7
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    Dude use your common sense iPhone are way better longer battery retina display 100 time clear than andriod **** and it's easy to use andriod are just boring when it's comes to use it and talking about features just jailbreak ur iPhone you will get 1000 more features than andriod on your jail broken iPhone peace bro have a good night sleep faggot
  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    Doing it again? When did they change the dock connector before? Believe me, I am NO Apple lover. I love their mobile devices and even then with some reservations. However, changing the connector to a smaller form factor maybe a good thing, potentially allowing them to create smaller and lighter devices. In Any case, progress in technology usually comes with loosing compatibility, at some point, with older hardware and software. Besides, they very likely will have adapters.
  • R@F@
    R@F@ Posts: 2
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    Well the thru is that this is going to be the iPhone that Steve Jobs supervised and put hands on just for that I'm sure that everyone that going to have the opportunity to have one we all going to say "it just works ". And after this coming IPhone I hope apple keep with the same mentality of make things just work and not change the the mentality for "it just sells " cuz all us would say " it just suck "
  • Hing kong
    Hing kong Posts: 26
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    iphone will come in 5 colours, iphone 5.
    EZFiXNY Posts: 19
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    I am pretty sure that Steve idea and actual product design will be on the market for next 5 years. With some modifications because of the technology upgrade in LCD, Back light, Battery, Chip and Alloy development. But I am positive iPhone in 2013 and 14 will have Steve input. Rest in Peace.
  • jess
    jess Posts: 9
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    He did care about money, which is why he never donated a cent to charity.