4-Inch iPhone: Possible Scenarios

System Posts: 446
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image4-Inch iPhone: Possible Scenarios

Chatter about an iPhone with a larger screen has been going on since the pre-iPhone 4S days, but this time around these claims have been backed by reliable sources like The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and John Gruber.

Read the full story here


  • @iLikeTech_
    @iLikeTech_ Posts: 9
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    1024by768 is actually the resolution of the iPad 1 and 2.
  • RiCo
    RiCo Posts: 51
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  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Thanks for pointing it out. Its fixed now.
  • iOS Me.0.1
    iOS Me.0.1 Posts: 13
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    I'm afraid I'm Gonna have to call The BS card on this... Whe the WWDC come around and releases nothing all these rumors will count for nothing and sources will be discredited. Give me iphone hacks not iPhone rumors... Either that or change the sites name.
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    1. This article is evaluating the options if Apple launches a 4-inch iPhone.2. The next iPhone is unlikely to be launched at the WWDC, so expect the rumors to continue till October, when Apple is most likely to launch the new iPhone.3. If you don't like to read about rumors or articles related to them like this one, you can always skip such articles. No one here is really forcing you to read the article.4. While you say you want to hear about hacks, its been a while since you have commented when we write about tweaks, so how about commenting on those articles rather than comment on such article.Thanks!
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    idiot, don't read if your not interested in rumours then.
  • Wow!
    Wow! Posts: 1
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    Wow, that's a pretty amateur response, iPhoneHacks! Show some class and quietly take feedback, or completely ignore it. You've really just driven readers away with that sort of obnoxiousness! Anyway, check out the images used in this article...it's like someone has just stretched out an iPhone's screen using Paint. So tacky!Catch
  • Gillian
    Gillian Posts: 9
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    I think the current display size is perfect for a device you keep in your pocket most of the time.. if apple could cram a sim tray in the current ipod touch it would sell like hot-cakes, it's so thin and sexy, and the 3.5" display is really enough for me. If I really needed the screen real estate I'd go with a tablet.
  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    I agree. Iphonehacks! Kudos to you!
  • Strulf
    Strulf Posts: 22
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    "This would however reduce the pixel density of the new screen to a figure below 300ppi, which would force Apple to pull off the Retina tag from the new device"Not true, the new iPad has a density of 264 ppi and still has the Retina tag. A 24" monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080 has only 92 ppi for example.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Finally, someone talking sense!Why would Apple need to increase the pixel count at this point in time. I bet knobody could physically see a difference between a 3.5" and 4" display running at 300dpi withou a magnifying glass.
  • Genuino
    Genuino Posts: 4
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    Hmm, regardless of pixel count per inch, 300 or 265, humans can't discern the differences by just looking at it with perfect vision, about 30% of humans can say they have 20/20, so pixel density is a non issue to me.What keeps bothering me is how "THE" bigger screen will be used, real estate wise, by enlarging the present elements of the UI to fit 4" or whatever they decide? Are icons, text and graphics bigger on a bigger screen? Makes no sense to me, is anyone getting my point here? For a bigger screen on the iPhone to be successful, a complete redesign of interface is needed so it can make use of the space without enlarging any UI elements. For example, we have 4 x 4 icons on the present iPhone, would we have still 4 x 4 on the 4"?
  • Crazy Asylum
    Crazy Asylum Posts: 23
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    looks too much like an android....
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    The bigger the better... can't wait for it to arrive in the stores
  • Strulf
    Strulf Posts: 22
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    5x5 would be awesome. I'm using already Iconoclasm and Shrink to achieve this on my iPhone 3Gs and I totally love it. If this would be standard, I wouldn't even need to jailbreak my iPhone anymore which can be, to be honest, quite annoying at times.