Developers Not Too Worried About 4-Inch iPhone

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imageDevelopers Not Too Worried About 4-Inch iPhone

With a 4-inch iPhone (probably) dropping by this October, Apple has a big task ahead of itself -- keeping the complexity involved during the design and development process of an app to the bare minimum.

The consensus is that, if Apple does release a 4 inch iPhone, it'll most likely switch to an aspect ratio of 9:5 from the current 3:2, keeping the width the same. (There are of course a variety of other options as well.)

Read the full story here


  • nabariba
    nabariba Posts: 18
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    still smaller then other latest phone screens.
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    Those aren't phones, they're mini tablets. And it's sad to see Apple enter this **** measuring contest. Phones should be small and convenient, they shouldn't be trying to replace TVs.
  • zak
    zak Posts: 22
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    Agreed a bit of a let down if after all this time wanting a bigger iPhone this v small screen improvement is not worth the upgrade hope it has some other new tricks...
  • Que
    Que Posts: 48
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    Small screen. I think Apple caters more to teens and college students with small hands. Just my opinion. I thank God for my Otterbox making it look somewhat normal.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Oh no! The phone is still phone sized... wait, it is a phone..doi!
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    I'm an iOS developer and the last think I want is a change in aspect ratio as it will require us to completely rewrite some of our apps, not simply scale them. Some landscape games will become unplayable with the lack of vertical height with a 9:5 aspect ratio. Apple should stick with the 3:2 aspect ratio, increase the screen to 4" and drop the dpi leaving all apps working and intact. I really don't understand this craving for more pixels, when you can't visually see the difference because we are already beyond the scope of the human eye! The faster processors introduced at every revision spend use all the extra processing power handling the increased pixel count and leave nothing left for more eye candy or improved graphics.
  • Randomicious
    Randomicious Posts: 14
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    I'm not really digging the taller screen, would much rather taller + wider if they change it at all. I'm actually pretty happy with the size it is now, if I wanted a tablet as a phone I'd just go buy a new iPad + 4G lol.
  • devol
    devol Posts: 63
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    Lol, this has to be the absolute dumbest reason behind the intent of apples screen size that I have heard to date! We need a place to save jems like this.
  • Micro
    Micro Posts: 39
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    3.5 is the best possible size for a mobile phone ever made anything beyond is not easy to handle in one hand therefore not a phone.
  • high horse
    high horse Posts: 11
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  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    I guess, More than half of buyer feels that is better size.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    I agree with you as a programmer. The changing of screen makes big difficult to redesign the screen components. I feel Apple should give up 'retina' if they want to increase the screen size
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Actually, just a listing style software has no problem to support the taller design, and simply the graphic software may need to make more graphic data only. Just speaking is very easy always ^^
  • Que
    Que Posts: 48
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    I'm guessing your a teen or/and college student...with small hands :-)
  • ck
    ck Posts: 23
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    They should be worried, if it's not significantly larger a screen most people I know will be bailing on iPhone! The 3.5" just looks ridiculous now :P
  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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  • ADz
    ADz Posts: 2
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    I love both Android and iOS both have their advantages/disadvantages.One thing stopping me from using an iPhone is the size. I understand why they have chosen the size, ie so you can easily reach all areas of screen with one hand, However I'm just too used to my HD/HD2/SGS2 screen sizes and found it hard when I got an iPhone to try out and just couldn't get used to the small screen again, It just felt really claustrophobic for a phone.I am one that would welcome a larger screen but do think it would need to be wider aswell, not just taller.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    No, a 4.8 looks ridiculous.
  • Antonia
    Antonia Posts: 29
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    ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. screen size will be the same. do you want a cheeseburger in your pocket? like the galaxy III ? want a big screen get an iPad or whatever other droid.REMEMBER IT IS AN i---- PHONE , not an i-Computer
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Sorry but we are being pushed to the and if u look at these bigger phones u would see how much better a bigger screen can be if u are just making phone call then keep ur smaller iPhone you have now. But more and more people are surfing as I am now and typing this reply from my iPhone which can be a pain to see or read for long periods if my battery holds up We could use a slightly thicker phone to put a bigger battery into if my phone lasts 6 to 8 hours I've had a slow day on my phone. Maybe they should have both sizes. Just a thought
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    What we don't want is an App Store full of apps and games we can't use just because of a change in screen resolution or aspect ratio. I want all the apps I've invested in and used over the years to carry on working. This kind of fragmentation is the reason I pulled out of developing apps for Android and the same issue that destroyed Windows Mobile.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 63
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    That is a ridiculous comment to make.Just because you want a bigger then 3.5 screen doesnt mean we want/need a tablet form factor. And FYI I already have both a Galaxy Tab and a iPad.I personally think that the iPhone screen is just too small for allot of reasons. Yes you can reach all corners of screen but so can I on my Galaxy S2.For me personally the perfect size is 4.3", Any more then that then it becomes like the Note where it is both Phone/Tablet form factor.I just dont think I could use or get used to iPhone until they improve screen size.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 63
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  • Drusenija
    Drusenija Posts: 2
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    Personally I'm surprised no one has suggested they go with a 1024x768 resolution. Not saying it would necessarily be the solution, but if they crammed the iPad 1/iPad 2 resolution into the next iPhone, then apps that are already 'universal' apps would work natively at the new resolution, and any apps that weren't would scale up using the existing iPad scaling routines. You get a bigger screen that can still be called a retina screen (I think, I haven't done the math on the DPI), and you're not splintering your iOS market. You also get to then advertise that all iPad apps are now compatible with the iPhone. Win/win?
  • Drusenija
    Drusenija Posts: 2
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    I stand corrected, it did get suggested in the article, I just hadn't read the full thing yet.
  • Picky Patty
    Picky Patty Posts: 1
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    A taller iPhone would be ugly and awkward. I would stay with my 4S. Who wants a monster phone?