Sprint Raises Data Pricing For Mobile Hotspot Tethering

System Posts: 446
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageSprint Raises Data Pricing For Mobile Hotspot Tethering

Sprint Nextel, the third largest major U.S. carrier, has tweaked the data pricing for its mobile hotspot tethering options in an attempt to lure new customers into using their mobile devices as wireless hotspots.

Sprint has killed its 5GB mobile hotspot plan and has started offering two new, more expensive (cost per GB) plans from May 18th.

Read the full story here


  • DillaniPhone
    DillaniPhone Posts: 3
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    -_- Metro PCS seems to be looking pretty good right now.
  • pakaku
    pakaku Posts: 31
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    ...Wait, what? How is RAISING prices supposed to attract more customers?
  • Hayden
    Hayden Posts: 7
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  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    Because us Americans love to get ripped off, I mean come on, who doesn't want AT&T limited-un-limited plan??? YEA!!!! USA USA USA.It's supposed to work in their favor because idiots who didn't know the old price see a "cheap" entry level price. no one thinks "per-gb" they all think total $. Which is why it works for sprint/att/ANYONE.
  • Rumour Mill
    Rumour Mill Posts: 14
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    Just a small point, I think it should read, "...in an attempt to lure new customers..."Allure is what it has not what it does, very minor point I know.:-)
  • Que
    Que Posts: 48
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    Largest carrier sounds great, but why do third largest carrier sounds better than second largest? Must be the sleepiness talking :-)
  • JJ
    JJ Posts: 48
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    I call their BS. If they truly wanted customers to try the hotspot at a lower price point, why didn't they simply ADD more price points such as 2GB/$20? Corporate greed is getting out of hand.
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    That's what they did although I disagree with their whole pricing ploy. Read the entire article.
  • JJ
    JJ Posts: 48
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    Perhaps you may wish to read the entire article. If you did, you would discover they are REPLACING the current price plan. My suggestion was to merely ADD another price plan with a lower point and keep the current ones. Geez people!
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Blah blah blah. I would never be a Sprint customer. I've been on the receiving end of their network techs fucktardum too many times in my IT career.
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    its sad but true, Americans are the easiest way to make money and sprint knows it LOL. long live America! we need stupid consumers somewhere :D don't be mad be glad !
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    You should see how the Canadians get reamed on the mobile phones. Make American companies seem tame.
  • F U
    F U Posts: 2
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  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    T-Mobile includes Mobile hotspot in all 5GB+ plans and there are no overage charges, they just throttle after you reach what ever level you pay for. And if you want more High Speed data that month, you can call them and up your plan for that month and call back and put it back down if you so choose. They let you do this an unlimited number of times; however, if you managed to get a deal on your plan, you may loose that. For example we got the 5GB plan for only an extra $5 instead of $10, so if we increased that one month, then went back down, it would be $10 instead of the $5.
  • Callious
    Callious Posts: 6
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    Just root your phone and you wont have to worry about any of this.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    That's because the carriers have to service a ton of square miles that only have one hoser living in them.
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    I am an existing customer and Sprint refused to turn on the mobile hotspot for the old price. Whoever said existing customers could stick with the old plan should call Sprint and tell them. When I got my iPhone they changed the unlimited hotspot to 5GB. Now they want to change it again it sounds like a change in the terms of service to me and just a way to get more $$$.
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I spent a month under the old Sprint plan and quickly dropped it when I burned through my 5 GB inside of a week (there is a charge to do this BTW). They tried to sell me *hard* on the new data plans yesterday when I contacted them on another billing issue. Pointing out out that the new plans were more expensive than the current plan doesn't dampen their enthusiasm at all...
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    This is a copy and paste from the article above. They are doing what you implied they should be doing. Geez back at ya.Discovered by Phandroid in a Sprint community forum, the company will no longer offer its $30 per month plan with 5GB of data ($6 per GB) and will instead replace it with a $20 per month plan with only 2GB of data ($10 per GB)
  • c
    c Posts: 19
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    Where on your bill (or how exactly) did Sprint differentiate MHS from reg phone data? My bill & MySprint page both list just one lump 3G Data total KB/Unl & a 4G Data total KB/Unl. Ditto when i text "usage" to 1311. I pay for the $30/mo MHS fee for presumably 5gb, but i've never seen any calculation of my usage. I wonder if Sprint is able to tabulate, (or start to tally data consumed when MHS is active), on some devices, but not others? Maybe iOS vs Android. Or Android froyo vs GB vs ICS. I have an android phone. Since this IS an iPhone blog, maybe i should assume that is your device of choice? Curious if iPhone keeps a seperate running total of "Personal Hotspot" data in addition to Cellular data? (I had an iPhone 3G b4 tethering/personal hotspot was an option & my ipad is AT&t, not VZW, so i can't see how or if an iOS device lists MHS data totals.) Or perhaps it's because you started your contract more recently than I did, & come Sept, if/when I renew, I'm in for a rude awakening, either because I switch OS or b/c the renewal kicks into gear some extra tracking. Thoughts? ...if you're still reading. Lol
  • c
    c Posts: 19
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     I pay the $30/mo MHS fee for (presumably) 5gb of data, but i've never seen any calculation of my usage. Where on your bill (or how exactly) did Sprint differentiate MHS from reg phone data?Both my paper bill & the MySprint.com page list just one 3G data total, & a 4G total. Ditto when I text "usage" to 1311. Based on the KBs, however, it's clear the number represents an all-inclusive lump total.I know it's been reported that when MHS is active, Sprint is unable to differentiate between the MHS & phone data. Fine, but I still find no record of "data consumed w/ MHS active" culled from my total data usage.  
  • c
    c Posts: 19
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    Mobile Hotspot is considered an addon, not part of your contract. Hence the freedom to add or cancel at any time. Modifications to Addons are not applicable as a TOS change. Also, when they capped the unlim to 5gb in oct-nov, there was NO grandfathering of the unlim MHS plan.
  • c
    c Posts: 19
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    Oops. No idea how the pre-edit [11:36 am] version was also posted. The 12:15 version is a little more concise... (well, it was. Now it's just redundant. Lol) can't believe I just wasted an hour on this
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    Yes, when I got my iPhone the agreement specifically referenced the 5GB limitation but now that option is no longer offered. They can call it a feature or addon but whether it's a change in the the TOS remains to be seen. I never even received a notice if the change.
  • andie
    andie Posts: 3
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    That's what JJ is trying to say though. Instead of replacing the current plan, why not just ADD the extra options. This is a clear case of them trying to squeeze more out of the consumer. It's ridiculous.