Absinthe 2.0 Untethered Jailbreak Will Also Support iPad 3,3 And Apple TV 2; Release Imminent

System Posts: 446
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageAbsinthe 2.0 Untethered Jailbreak Will Also Support iPad 3,3 And Apple TV 2; Release Imminent

pod2g has just confirmed that his iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak works with iPad 3 Global and Apple TV 2.

Earlier in the week, pod2g had said that the release of the iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch is almost ready and the release is just 'a matter of days' away.

He seems to have managed to get hold of the iPad 3,3 model at the Hack in the Box conference. He tweeted:

Read the full story here



  • iTaos
    iTaos Posts: 6
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    Don't y'all mean apple tv 3?
  • Jaelon
    Jaelon Posts: 1
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  • WarEagle75
    WarEagle75 Posts: 4
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    Thanks for all of your work
  • Loy
    Loy Posts: 0
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    What is Ipad2,4?Sorry, I'm new to this
  • Gordii
    Gordii Posts: 21
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    If you would read the artical you would have not had to ask this question...
  • Mrman
    Mrman Posts: 10
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    I don't care! I want it to be released right the f**ck now! This guy, the cherub-looking mofo pod2-oooooo-my-logo-looks-like-a-f**ing-gypsy-made-it-g,has been stalling this jailbreak for so long now, it's getting f***ing retarded! I don't care about him releasing it to us for free, that's a great thing, and i thank him for that (good that he is not like that german f***er who demands money for it). But he should keep his mouth shut instead of keep saying "it will be released soon, it will be released soon", when it actually isn't! I have been visiting this siste non-stop the last 2 months because this retard keeps making false promises. The last on of which was "matter of days" - this was days after the Hacking convention, of which he hinted on releasing it on. But now these "days" might as well have been the "matter of a week".
  • Joe B
    Joe B Posts: 2
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    Have respect douche bag!
  • Guest
    Guest Posts: 44
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    What respect haramkhore?
  • Guest
    Guest Posts: 44
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  • Skippy
    Skippy Posts: 14
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    Atv 3 will be soon enough " I hope" Haven't gotten an iPad yet. Don't see the need for one. But. I know a lot of people sure are going to be happy.
  • Mrman
    Mrman Posts: 10
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    Stfu, retard. I just said i had respect for him doing this for us. What i don't like are all the false promises. It's like he's using us as a dog, teasing us with a cookie, but never letting us catch it. If it takes 2 f***ing months to release a jailbreak, then he should say "2 f****ing months", not "1-2 weeks", which he afterwards added another "1-2 weeks" on, and afterwards "almost done", then"something big gonna happen on convention on 21th may", and then "matter of days"(4 days ago). It's like waiting for a bus that is never coming. He can do me the favour of either being accurate, or not saying ****, so i don't have to keep visiting sites like this a gazillion time, waiting for the f****ing s**t to be released.
  • Mr
    Mr Posts: 5
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    pod2g, please change your logo man. If there ever was a internet street junkie, you would be a definition of it. I mean...not even 2003-internet users would dare use such s**t logos...
  • Azzman
    Azzman Posts: 2
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    I have the i pad 4G wi-fi and 4G Sim Card model ( i'm assuming that's ipad 3 ). Apple are a bunch of tards for making it so us Aussies cannont use 4G network on it here. I have 2 things:1) HURRY UP WITH THE 5.1.1 Jailbreak already ! :P2) Is there any way a jailbreak fix of some sort would be able to fix the non use of 4G in Australia?
  • Cliff
    Cliff Posts: 8
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    Your always going to get one who rants and raves about it not being out yet.It's free, so whats a bit of waiting for it to be released, it will be here when it's ready.
  • Azzman
    Azzman Posts: 2
    via Wordpress
    Oh yeah by the way. Thanks a s***load for all the Jailbreaks. HELL APPRECIATED!!!
  • Hayden
    Hayden Posts: 7
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    I feel your pain dude, I've been following this site since I got my New iPad (iPad 3, and unfortunately I updated my iOS so missed the 5.0.1 jailbreak boat), but seriously I knew there would be a wait, and these jailbreak devs don't have to release anything for us. I'm really thankful that they do.But wtf? The sense of entitlement that people have these days makes me embarrassed to be part of the human race. People just want instant gratification and when they don't get it they kick and scream like babies. Grab a shovel and dig in to some humble pie.
  • haggard
    haggard Posts: 6
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    you say"Only remains iPad2,4 now but we need the actual device."i have a iPad 2,4 (iPad 2 R2) i would gladdly let you test it on mineand a big thank you for all your hard work
  • Happy
    Happy Posts: 11
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    You sir are just a total tool, go cry somewhere else
  • Guy
    Guy Posts: 30
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    Phenchodhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ina de maa di phudiii ch lun ditaaa
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Just imagine they release it early and it has a bug and now millions of devices are made to paper weights in an hour. Relax when it's ready and stable we will get it ........damn......
  • Samuel
    Samuel Posts: 38
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    Guys you need to get refund for the donation you gave this re****red. He keep promising nothing happen. We all should dump his jailbreak and move to android. I really hate pod2g. I wish I can give this SMS to his phone .
  • Samuel
    Samuel Posts: 38
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    Guys you need to get refund for the donation you gave this re****red. He keep promising nothing happen. We all should dump his jailbreak and move to android. I really hate pod2g. I wish I can give t to his phone .
  • Guy
    Guy Posts: 30
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    I know, I'm with you buddy, f*k this guy and f*k his jailbreak.
  • fuck u
    fuck u Posts: 3
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    **** you haters! Al of you act as if you are entitled to tho jailbreak. Your fucking not wait the **** up like the rest of us. I mean if you were a true apple fan jailbreaking isn't a big deal. When it comes down to it make your own jailbreaks and stfu. It's a DONATION dumass, you don't have to pay its out of curtesy for there hard work
  • Slick
    Slick Posts: 45
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    Please dump it Android is waiting for u
  • K
    K Posts: 44
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    way to be grateful to the jb devs!!
  • I0nic1
    I0nic1 Posts: 0
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    All these negative posts sound to me like I0nic trying to piss off Pod2g into not releasing his jailbreak. Guess what buddy, he is smarter than you. So in my Soup nazi voice, "NO MILLIONS FOR YOU" and in my Nelson Muntz voice. "HA HA". Go troll somewhere else.
  • lanky
    lanky Posts: 21
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    No AppleTV 3. Pod2G always stated AppleTV2 support. They must have had had blinkers on. His Blog always listed AppleTV2 as supported.
  • lanky
    lanky Posts: 21
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    No its a limit of the chip as far as I understand.
  • iTruth
    iTruth Posts: 15
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