Apple Gearing up to Switch to Silver Color Scheme in iOS 6?

System Posts: 446
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imageApple Gearing up to Switch to Silver Color Scheme in iOS 6?

The apps that come pre-installed with your iOS device haven't changed much in both the look and functionality department, since the launch of the original iPhone in 2007.

But Apple may be gearing up to make at least some subtle changes in iOS 6 such as changing the color scheme used in the pre-installed apps.

Read the full story here


  • ThiagObama
    ThiagObama Posts: 1
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    I don't see Apple releasing jumping from iOS 5.1.whatever to iOS 6 without a new iPhone. Contract expires this summer for those of us who got the iPhone 4 on release date. I hope for a slightly bigger iPhone that I can use without a case maybe late this summer (impossible?).
  • giova
    giova Posts: 1
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    This is realy nasty. i hopa apple dosnt come with this cause its realy bad looking
  • Troy
    Troy Posts: 45
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    Maybe they will introduce a customization where you can select a color and it themes all the native apps and silver is the default. I hope so cause it's pretty plain and boring looking.
  • Guy
    Guy Posts: 30
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    Fukkkkk this shittttttttt, fuckin Tim's gota ruin apple some day sooo baddd, holyyyy fukkkkkkkkkkkk.
  • ftaeayduf
    ftaeayduf Posts: 2
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    I do hope not. This scheme looks awful.On a practical level, it's low contrast, which affects usability on a device as small as the iPhone. The menu at the bottom blends with the content, whereas on iOS 5 it contrasts. This effect will be less pronounced on the actual device where the content moves and the chrome doesn't, but it still looks a mess.Hooray for Winterboard!
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 9
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    Is this a joke? Silver? It looks primitive and old. Like an old flip phone or worse. These brilliant iPhone screens support bright and bold colors a technology we have only seen for the past 6-7 years and apple wants to make them dull and boring with silver and grey tones? I really can't see this being a legit idea apple is much better than this
  • Doggz
    Doggz Posts: 21
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    I'd be happy if they up'd the spec on the phone as I'm sick of the slowness. Once you accumulate data on the iPhone it gets sluggish! For the amount it cost this shouldn't happen. That's taking into consideration some of the other phones on the market. It would be nice to have a new slick and stylish design to show off to my mates, but performance is a must for me right now. In this point in time we should be way ahead of the out dated tech they sell us. Apple need to step thing up a bit and introduce 3d into the iPhone or iPad as well as something new, exciting and innovative. This is what Steve Jobs was good at, setting the bar for others to follow. The others have caught up now so what's your next move Apple? Have you still got what it takes now that Steve has sadly departed?
  • Doggz
    Doggz Posts: 21
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    Oh just to comment on the subject. I think the silver does nothing and they should use a darker shade of grey or just leave it as it is as it works. More to the point, we are so desperate for a big change from Apple that we are making a big fuss over small changes that are meaningless. Let's see some real inovation, something to really give the finger to Samsung and other rivals lol
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    Yuk. But of course as a fanboy if apple changes to this I will immediately say that I love it. :P
  • Utente-a-caso
    Utente-a-caso Posts: 8
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    I think it's time for a change.I don't know if i like the silver-ish color scheme above, but definitely we cannot keep the same UI style we had back in 2007... People got sick of that :)Apple tweaked the UI of OSX many times (compare OSX 10.0 with 10.4 and 10.7, for example), and other mobile UIs out there are really good (look at Windows Phone 7/Windows 8: it's damn simple and plain, yet beautiful in my opinion!)
  • Greg
    Greg Posts: 106
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    New iOS software will probably be announced at wwdc but will not be released until new iPhone is released in Fall. Sorry bud, no new iPhone in the summer anymore. That ship sailed. :(
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Wow so the big change will be a different color I'm so excited I can say I will be checking out other phones if this is all we can look forward to. Apple better play catchup fast
  • Jared
    Jared Posts: 67
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    Too much "white"! It hurts my eyes!First, Siri was Apples broken promise. Steve never really tried it.And now, this? I hope Steve didn't try this because this is just awful. What happened to Apple's attention to detail?
  • Chuck Emoth
    Chuck Emoth Posts: 3
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  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    I hope Apple concentrate on the convenient such as the shared document/data folder between Sandbox Apps.
  • onni3l
    onni3l Posts: 3
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    I like this new look = ))
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    Agreed! It would be nice if Apple provided the option. I know Apple likes to control the overall experience. In some cases tweaks like those used in jailbreaks often times cause conflicts and instability, but a simple feature like color theme changes seems easy enough to incorporate. I'm not a programmer so I'm just guessing, I've seen enough programs to know that its possible. The question is will Apple continue down the "control the user experience path" or will the make some concessions and listen to user community and allow the user some customization? If Apples previous track record is any indication I guess we'll be stuck with a bland grey theme if the rumors are true. Thanks Apple for letting me customize my device exactly the way you want. I thought I was going to have to think for a second. lol.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    In all honesty this is a minor change. There needs to be more customization. It doesn't need to be radical, but customized theme color change could be a nice start. What I'm really concerned about is the screen size increase of the new iphone. An increase of 4 inches vertically and same width size is just unacceptable. The new iPhone needs a vertical and horizontal increase to remain relevant. I can assure you I won't be buying one if they only increase the vertical length. It seems to me that Apples running out of hardware ideas and of those few ideas they tend to release one or two minor improvements for new devices trying to squeeze every dollar out the consumer. I think they'll release a vertically increased iphone this fall and later release a horizontally increased phone later. Apple maybe a tech company, but there very similar to farmers they milk cows for all they're worth. The technology is available today, but they won't incorporate it all in one shot because the consumer won't have a reason to buy their next incarnation later. Shame on you Apple your greed is without bounds.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    The iphone is a great device, but for $850 I shelled out it should be better considering the technology is available. Apple shouldn't skimp on their device because they sure as hell don't skimp on the asking price.
  • prince
    prince Posts: 12
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    Hope not. Looks like going from color tv to black and white. That look sucks
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    That's actually a great idea, presently Apple gives developers the choice to pick from a standard set of colors for the UINavigationBar (blue, black etc.), but a system wide choice would be pretty awesome.
  • mint
    mint Posts: 1
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    Windows 8?... cough cough... I mean Windows 8 new ultra flat UI? cough
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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  • User
    User Posts: 12
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    As long as they don't enforce it's use and let us choose the old one if we don't like the new one I'll be fine with it. On the other hand if they do remove the old scheme I'll have one more reason why I jailbreak my device ...
  • MCD
    MCD Posts: 1
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    The countless times that people have complained whenever facebook makes subtle UI changes amazes me almost as much as the countless times that people get used to it. If Apple decides on this UI change people will go crazy... for 2 months until the whole affair is completely forgotten.