Apple Makes Nearly Twice as Much on iPhone as Nokia Does on Lumia 900

System Posts: 446
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imageApple Makes Nearly Twice as Much on iPhone as Nokia Does on Lumia 900

Nokia's flagship smartphone, the Lumia 900, is almost $200 cheaper than Apple's iPhone 4S. Despite that, Nokia ends up paying more for Lumia's components than Apple does for the iPhone.

The specifics: It costs Nokia $209 to acquire components for the Lumia 900, which is currently sold for a retail price of $450. The $649 16GB iPhone 4S on the other hand uses components which cost Apple just $190.

Read the full story here


  • Que
    Que Posts: 48
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    Being an Iphone owner, why doesn't this sound like good news :-)
  • JorgeG
    JorgeG Posts: 0
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    Where i can get the nokia to $450 ? Because in all place say 600 locked and 800 unlocked
  • jimjamurface
    jimjamurface Posts: 0
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    Yea sounds like it getting ripped off. Kinda sucks
  • Yo Mama!
    Yo Mama! Posts: 30
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    So in others words Nokia Lumia is better phone than iPhone? I feel like a been raped..!
  • Bobo
    Bobo Posts: 4
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    Not really a ripoff you are paying more for the amazing software that apple packs in the iPhones
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    Que, you said a mouthful. I have nothing more to add.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    The one thing I've always liked about Microsoft's Windows is that you could always buy cheap hardware that got the job done. With Apple their aren't many choices with the exception of overprice memory upgrades. I'd switch over to Android or Windows phone but 3rd party hardware integration is lacking as well as the plethora of apps available. I'm happy with the iphone experience but I just wished Apple wasn't so money hungry. The Macs are nice but with Windows offering nearly identical software I'll never make the jump. I'm not concerned about minor software tweaks. Its always been about the apps. If Android could release the same apps on their hardware its would be a no brainer. Until then its Apple and its overpriced iphone/ipad (notice I didn't mention any other Apple products).
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    I believe Apples holding out on releasing a 4 inch + screen because its hands down the single most important feature consumers desire. After that Apple won't have much to offer besides free ios upgrades and faster processor speeds. When that day comes I can breath a sigh of relief knowing that my pockets will be safe from Apples greed. You can bet the new iphone will only offer a vertical increase in screen real estate. That's only so Apple can extend hardware cycle and sell more iphones before releasing a true 4 inch iphone. Its sad that most innovation is fueled by a bigger desire to get "filthy" rich. Guess that's the way of the world. I don't envy Apple, I despise them.
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    There are several main points that everyone is missing here are 1) You don't pay the margin, your carrier does and smartphone plans are basically the same cost no matter which phone you have. 2) While the metro look and feel is quite unique and eye catching about this Lumia, it feels much more cheap and plastic-y. This begs the question of why does a platic-y feeling phone actually cost more to make than something like an Iphone? The answer to this question is my next point which is completely missed by this post 3) The iphone is cheaper to make because there are way more iphones in the world produced and purchased than lumia's manufactures and a lot of the parts have been in production for several years. It is likely that over the course of the past few years these prices have gone down due to the shear quantity that have been ordered for current and previous phones manufactured.
  • Que
    Que Posts: 48
    via Wordpress
    iPhone prices will never go down until the Supply And Demand goes down. But you do rise some good points.
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Yes we have this wonderful phone that don't feel like plastic.... Just don't drop it cause it doesn't hold up as well as plastic does.......
  • Ha
    Ha Posts: 0
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  • Ha
    Ha Posts: 0
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    faster processor speeds? the iphone 4s has a 800 mhz dual core processor. The galaxy s III has a 1.4ghz quad core. Looks like they need to up the game a bit.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    I was comparing older iphones to newer ones. I don't want to get into semantics and yes I'm only a layman, but comparing processor speeds from different cpu lines or manufactures is like comparing "Apples" to oranges. Yes, pun was fully intended. But I digress, the point was and is that Apple charges a lot more than the competition. Always have and probably always will. Apple should change their name to Greedy Money Hungry Gluttons its more fitting and easily identifiable considering their business practices. Its a great device but not easily accessible to many people because of prohibitive pricing. As far as subsidizing is concerned you can pay up now or later it makes no difference. Actually if you choose to pay later you'll end up paying more than if you'd shelled out the cash in the beginning.
  • Guy
    Guy Posts: 30
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    Nokia sells alot alottt in Middle Eastttt.
  • Sparky
    Sparky Posts: 17
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    Yes, if you own an iPhone 4[S] you have been ripped off!
  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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    how is it possible that nokia cost more lol?