Majority of iPhone Users May Not be Eligible For Upgrade Subsidy For Next iPhone

System Posts: 446
edited June 2012 in
image Majority of iPhone Users May Not be Eligible For Upgrade Subsidy For Next iPhone

Majority of iPhone Users May Not be Eligible For Upgrade Subsidy For Next iPhone

Read the full story here


  • xtremee
    xtremee Posts: 33
    Quite sure they will buckle down when the iPhone is released
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 6
    $250 upgrade fee for upgrading early? Wish I had known that... would have paid $150 less for my 4S when it came out! Seems like you could take advantage of this system by "Early upgrading" for $450 then selling that phone on eBay for $600, then doing it again and again making $150 a pop.
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 10
    Where I am it'll cost me around $800 if I still have 12 months left so thats not such a bad deal.
    Last time it cost me $350 with a big discount because of reception problems with my with my carrier
  • Titanss
    Titanss Posts: 31
    Glad my contract ended in March. Hope the new iPhone looks better and is sleaker then the 4/4S. The current iPhone is huge when fitted with a Otter Box, the OB has saved my 3GS several time from a 6ft drop to concreat.
  • Two phones on a family plan bought 6 months apart. Every new phone I qualify for the upgrade. Then Sell the wifes phone on ebay for good money and she gets the my newer hand me down. That's how you do It! I actually make money off the old phone sold on ebay.
  • If you talk nicely enough to your account rep (which you get when you have a total of 10 contracts across 2 family plans), you can get whatever you want. LOL!
  • defmad
    defmad Posts: 7
    I'm happy to wait till my 4S contract ends. If the next iPhone is sexy enough, I *might* upgrade after a few months of procrastination. If Apple decide to go with the stupid taller screen, i'll definitely wait.
  • Smokey
    Smokey Posts: 8
    You gotta pay 2 play. U can't ball on a budget.
  • Coop
    Coop Posts: 12
    That analyst is an idiot. Sales of the new iPhone will be through the roof. You have everyone with a 4 and 3GS or older waiting for this one, fanboys who will upgrade every year, people with Blackberries whose company will finally let them access with an iPhone who are waiting for the new one...