Comprehensive List of New iOS 6 Features

System Posts: 446
edited June 2012 in
imageComprehensive List of New iOS 6 Features

Apple unveiled their much awaited next generation mobile operating system - iOS 6 at last week's WWDC 2012 Keynote, which has over 200 new features and imp...

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  • 11_11
    11_11 Posts: 13
    Maybe I'm spoiled being jailbroken, but I'm not overly impressed with these features, especially when the biggest ones are being artificially restricted to 4S+...
    And Apple maps sucks, another half-baked feature like Siri.
  • xtremee
    xtremee Posts: 33
    Definitely plan to upgrade but hope the final release can also be jailbroken. Can't wait to see the new tweaks for iOS 6.
  • beef
    beef Posts: 3
    Another nice improvement to facetime is, when you where using it you in IOS5 you couldn't see your status bar (and your battery percentage), but in IOS6 if you tap on the screen once, the status bar appears
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
  • Nadia Zaki
    I would like to know where the video out option is on the 4s? I can't find it. Are they adding that?
  • Wolverinemarky
    cant wait to see what other features apple might slip in, but yea im jailbroken too so its a bit hard to be blown away by some of the updated features.
  • Pat
    Pat Posts: 2
    add a power off pass lock function, I will be very happy to see.
  • Abdulla Al Mamun
    we are waiting for the untethered jailbreak of ios6.......and then i must upgrade my iphone 3gs
    to ios 6 definitely.....!!!!
  • Jorge Pacheco
    Another feature, you can now share calendars, just like Shared Photo Stream
  • Ryne Zuzinec
    what they need to do is add better notifications to iOS. like a repeat feature and icons on the top bar like on android. i have my phone JB and have these but would still be a nice feature to add
  • myfranco
    myfranco Posts: 2
    They are allowing 3GS owners to update their devices. What else do you want? Android user can't even get an update for the previous versions but 3 generation old IOS devices can be updated. Think twice before your comments look funny.
  • Al_B
    Al_B Posts: 1
    First, I love how setting a song as an alarm is a upgrade or add on in 2012 for apple users.

    Seriously, how can Apple claim that they are innovative?
    And Steve Jobs said Android was a rip-off of Apple's iOS ??

    Let's look at iOS6, the "still under-development" system.

    1. Maps. Maps take a whole new turn. Now with Turn by Turn nav and Traffic
    Android: Map was one of the most important built in apps for Android OS. Turn by turn (Google Navigation) was "invented" more than 3 years ago. Traffic was also included in Google Map long ago.
    Fly over feature on iOS6? Have you heard of Google Earth (long before iPhone first appear in 2007)

    2. Siri. Sports, Restaurants, Movies.
    Android: This is one of the more debatable apps. I have to agree that Siri is a bit better(and really a step up) of Google Voice Search.
    Android: However, Google voice search was here since Galaxy S device was out, which was 3 years ago. You can simply say: Map of McDonals, and Google Maps opens up and tells you where are the closest McDonalds...etc
    (Did I mention Google Voice supports 30+ langauge while Siri only support 6, soon.)

    3. Facebook integrated.
    Post Directly to Facebook: I remember posting facebook photo and status directly from my gallery, since 2 years ago?
    Contact: I merged my phone contact and facebook account since Galaxy S device (3 years ago), and since Galaxy S2 (1 year ago), it can even automatically apply my friends' facebook photo to my phone contact display picture.

    4.Share select photos with a select audience.
    Android: Isn't Google+ already like that?

    5. Passbook. No more hunting through your wallet for gift cards, coupons...
    I admit it is a SMALL step up from Android.
    Reason being a small upgrade? Heard of Google Wallet? If not, Google it, you will find out Google Wallet appears on the market since early 2011.

    6. Facetime, now over cellular.
    To be fair, facetime was first on iOS, then Google Video follows.
    However, Google Video (within Google Talk app) allows users to use over cellular since it first released.
    (Let's not talk about Jail break for now, we want to be official)

    7. Phone. Send to voicemail, reply with message.
    Android had the exact same feature since long ago.
    My 3 years old Galaxy S had it already.

    8. Mail. An even better email experience.
    VIP inbox: Copied GMAIL's "starred", changes the name to VIP and claims it's new.
    Photos and videos: Add photos and videos to email messages:
    Android have it long ago. Attachment isn't new to the world, right?

    9. Safari. Browsing is just the begining. Now with iCloud Tabs, Offline Reading List - full web pages- not just link.
    Once again a straight COPY.
    Since Google Android 4.0 (which appeared in Nov2011), we have offline reading web page.
    At the same period of time, Google Chrome App already have tab sync with your laptop, tablet or desktop.

    Apple listed 9 features, which only 1.5 of those maybe a step up from what Google Android already had. However, the other 7.5 features appeared on Android device already, most of them even existed more than a few years.

    Why would Apple even say: Android is a rip-off from iOS?

    It won't bother me if Apple didn't claim they are innovative, but since Apple is trying to sue everybody now for copying them, that made me hate Apple so much.