Here’s What’s New in iOS 6 Beta 2

System Posts: 446
edited June 2012 in
imageHere’s What’s New in iOS 6 Beta 2

Apple seeded developers of iOS Developer Program with iOS 6 beta 2 earlier today, which according to the release notes includes some bug fixes and improvem...

Read the full story here


  • Jerome D. Sears
    For some reason, I have a taste for an Ice Cream Sandwich right now.
  • Ryne Zuzinec
    i hear ya jerome. there are so many things that apple could be doing with their OS but they refuse to. wish they could mash ios and android together
  • Chris Lee
    Chris Lee Posts: 2
    Has anyone else had the audible turn for turn navigation on maps not working?
    Accordng to the WWDC, Siri was supposed to tell us where to make each turn, but there's no audio on my version.
    Is there an on/off selection for the audio?
  • djman10d
    djman10d Posts: 3
    I am so underwhelmed with the new features in iOS 6. I wish Apple would spend some time fixing some of the holes in the existing apps like user-selected sorting or folders for Notes (3rd party apps can't sync with outlook), and making it easier to create playlists in Music (e.g.: adding currently playing song to a playlist).
  • chill843
    chill843 Posts: 1
    Ok, I can't fault anyone for their opinion. iOS vs android, both operating systems have their pros and cons. As for my personal opinion, android has a lot of features that iOS lacks. Customization, and widgets to name a couple. But the obvious choice for me is iOS and I'll tell you why. It's the end product. For all of the things iOS lack, when apple adds anything to their phone or operating system, the spit and polish used is spectacular. Both operating systems have bugs and other issues, but in my opinion iOS has a much much cleaner look, and is way more reliable. Not to mention the fact that I've purchased so many apps over the years it makes absolutely no economical sence for me to leave all of that money and start all over again. For all of you android lovers, more power to you. They make a good operating system for the many different handsets and tablets it occupies. But to me the iPhone is the standard to which they all strive to surpass. And with good reason. I am by no means an apple fan boy, the only apple product I've ever owned was the iPhones. Although I would like to get a iPad one day. Have no interest in anything else they have to offer. I just know a great product when I see and or use one.
    Just my opinion!
  • Michael Shimonov
    just wanted to add on to what Chill843 said:
    chill is 100% right in his statement that the iPhone iOS is the end product and truly does have that spit and polish finish which is incredible and the reason why it does lack the majority of the bugs that plague Android phones is the same reason why Apple chose to have a set screen size accompanied by the other hardware in the phone. Its because the hardware and software are customized for the phone from the beginning that you dont see so many issues. Google's Android is currently the Windows of the smartphones which means that it supplies the software for the outer shell hardware created by other vendors which is great, dont get me wrong I love options, but in terms of the control for the OS to work great, it needs to maintain a sense of consistency. Its the consistency and the customized hardware made for the software that makes the whole experience so great.
    With that said, Google Android users dont relent, you will get your consistency soon enough, Google has stated that they are going to be announcing their own rules for the vendors in how the OS is going to be used and what type of hardware it will support...cant wait for the REAL competition between Apple and Google to begin.
    btw, I'm a proud owner of an iPhone 4S
  • Mono Feo
    Mono Feo Posts: 1
    new stuff full screen in safari works nice
  • rajavelb
    rajavelb Posts: 1
    Signature has been added individually for each of the E-Mail accounts.
    Settings-Mail,Contacts,Calenders-signature i)All Accounts
    ii)Per Account
  • Steven Marshall
    I just noticed that the Messages app now keeps your place when choosing "Load Earlier Messages". Before, the top portion would remain on the screen and everything would be added below. This makes much more sense. I always found the previous way annoying.
  • Drew Baillie
    Beta 1 seemed to blank out frequently to the home screen from my apps.. So far Beta 2, that seems to be far less frequent.
  • Pete Thorne
    Flyover seems to have vanished from Maps on iPad 3?
  • Pete Thorne
    Sorry, not flyover, it's turn-by-turn nav I can't find