Google Unveils Android 4.1 Jelly Bean

System Posts: 446
edited June 2012 in
imageGoogle Unveils Android 4.1 Jelly Bean

Google unveiled the new version of their mobile operating system - Android 4.1 Jelly Bean at the Google I/O developer conference earlier today. Jelly Bean...

Read the full story here


  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
    Offline dictation, Hindi dictation support - big win
    It's high time Apple brought some amount of dynamism to the homescreen. Still no way of auto updating RSS, podcasts etc.? It's 2012 Apple, figure something out.
    Hopefully, they have some stuff reserved for the new iPhone announcement, where they'd presumably announce new hardware exclusive stuff.
  • Jerome D. Sears
    Jerome D. Sears Posts: 11
    edited June 2012
    One thing I learned in Graphic Design is good designers create, great designers copy. Apple needs to be more like Google. The know what the people want (gimmick or not) and they delivery. Apple needs to step it up with more than just 4g and 3D maps.
    Post edited by Jerome D. Sears on
  • KingofKings
    Looks like iOS has nothing to worry about
  • SgN_Vio
    SgN_Vio Posts: 1
    The answer is simple - If you're looking for sexy, go iPhone. If you want "cutting edge" you go for Android. Fact is, 4.1 is already leaked so I'm over it. Beside that, a jailbroken iPhone on 5.1.1 will already do everything that makes Jellybean so fantastic. No fanboy bs here, just fact. I'd like to note that I use a Windows Phone, just to support my prior statement.
  • BCSC
    BCSC Posts: 49
    The answer is simple - If you're looking for sexy, go iPhone. If you want "cutting edge" you go for Android. Fact is, 4.1 is already leaked so I'm over it. Beside that, a jailbroken iPhone on 5.1.1 will already do everything that makes Jellybean so fantastic. No fanboy bs here, just fact. I'd like to note that I use a Windows Phone, just to support my prior statement.
    The point of the matter is the whole "jailbroken iphone" thing. In October when iOS 6 is out you will be stuck with iOS again in a strangled form. Apple needs to provide it's customers with an OS that doesn't need to be hacked in order to make it par with the others. Without Jailbreak Devs iPhones are nearly useless. Apple seems to be less interested in listening to it's user base, and instead sues it's competition so as to not lose ground. I think Apple's days of being a leader in innovation and design are very shortly numbered if they keep ignoring the hand that feeds them.