Rumor: Apple Facing Difficulties In Manufacturing Batteries For Next Generation iPhone

System Posts: 446
edited June 2012 in
imageRumor: Apple Facing Difficulties In Manufacturing Batteries For Next Generation iPhone

According to Chinese website, one of Apple's suppliers might be having issues in manufacturing batteries for the next iPhone that are of satisfact...

Read the full story here


  • beldare
    beldare Posts: 1
    In order to feed a larger screen and a hungry 4G LTE chip, it's not surprising.
  • Wolverinemarky
    They saw that razr and maybe there trying to get 15 or 20 hours on 4G that would be amazing
    THExREALxTACO Posts: 57
    edited June 2012
    I doubt they're using anything "ground breaking" as far as battery technology goes, because there really isn't anything new in the field right now.

    As a casual RC car hobbyist, I can tell you that those guys put some incredible demand on batteries and try know ALL about battery technology. Other than LiPo (Lithium Polymer), there's been nothing of note develop in battery technology in the past 5-7 years.

    Apple could make that happen if they dumped a ton of money into the field, but why bother when it would ultimately benefit every other phone/tablet/computer manufacturer (ie all their competitors) in the end. As good as Apples patent lawyers are, there's only so much they can protect.