Apple’s Siri Gets a ‘D’ Grade, Google Search Gets ‘B+’ in 1600 Question Test

System Posts: 446
edited June 2012 in
imageApple’s Siri Gets a ‘D’ Grade, Google Search Gets ‘B+’ in 1600 Question Test

Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster tested Apple's Siri with Google's Search by firing 1600 questions at each of them. Not surprisingly, Google's search came out...

Read the full story here


  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 4
    So we are comparing the most successful search engine, which has technically been in operation since the 90's to SIRI which began in 2008. The face that Google is only getting a B+ is the real story here. We all know how bad SIRI sucks at this point but it's a new application but if you are looking only at the numbers above it seems to compete with Google considering queries are not typed but spoken. Voice recognition on Android & iOS is not perfect.
  • TrueYears
    TrueYears Posts: 1
    You're making it seem like SIRI itself is a search engine. I don't think you understand the difference between a actual search engine that looks up information on databases and a tool that uses that search engine. It also seems you have blind spots as you cannot even read an article right so why don't I go ahead and highlights some parts for you

    Google provides 100% of navigation results, 61% of information results, 48% of commerce results and 42% of local results. Among other result aggregators, Yelp provided the most local results (51%) and commerce results (51%), while WolframAlpha provided 34% of information results."

    What does it say there? it says SIRI relies on google searches not that SIRI is the one actually doing the searching with their own database. SIRI just does a BAD job at understanding than Google Search (they are both using Googles results)