“Open in Chrome” Bookmarklet

System Posts: 446
edited June 2012 in iPhoneHacks.com
image “Open in Chrome” Bookmarklet

Open in Chrome Bookmarklet

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  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
    F - google and chrome. I just can't see what all the hoopella about this browser is. I guess maybe because I dont use it on my Mac, but tab sync, I guess it's pretty cool to have but could only really see it being useful once in a blue moon. I don't know I find the reading list to be just as useful.
    I must be one in a few of the people that like safari.
  • philteeth
    philteeth Posts: 2
    @KimKomando69. Yes. You are one of the few that likes Safari - it's just a messed-up "jungle"!!