My Activator configuration for an iPhone with a broken home button

A broken home button sucks, it's frustrating. For a while I've tried to find the ideal activator configuration and I think this is it:

single press Volume down button -> simulate single Home button press
I don't use the volume hardware buttons much, so I'm ok with this. Besides if I ever need to reduce the volume when the phone is in sleep mode, I simply press the volume down button twice.

swipe from bottom -> multitask switcher
Seems intuitive, although I do have to perform it twice or thrice to get it right

Long press power button -> voice control
Hardly use it, but thought I should have some way to get to this.

double tap clock on lockscreen -> present now playing controls
(fwd, play pause, volume)

press both volume buttons simultaneously -> take screenshot

This config works pretty well for me, in addition to this there's one more which isn't really related to the home button, but is pretty awesome if you don't have Siri.
tap and hold status bar -> launch voice search (jb tweak)