Survey Finds 21% of iOS Users Won’t Switch Platforms At Any Price

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in
imageSurvey Finds 21% of iOS Users Won’t Switch Platforms At Any Price

A survey conducted by Goldman Sachs reveals the incredible loyalty Apple enjoys from a section of its userbase. Over 1,000 Apple device owners took the sur...

Read the full story here


  • Coop
    Coop Posts: 12
    My company only allows iPhones and Blackberries onto their email server and I will be God damned before I use a Blackberry.
    I wouldn't switch to Android if they paid ME...

    iOS will absolutely have to take a gigantic step backwards each year for the next 5 years for me to even consider leaving.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 5
    Wow Taco. You are the epitome of fanboy.
  • MuscleMass
    MuscleMass Posts: 20
    @Coop - I'm not surprised at all. Apple (and the late S. Jobs) did a great "job" on creating a proprietary ecosystem. Now I am curious to see surveys for the other platforms like Android and Windows and RIM (they don't call them "crack"berries for nothin' - they CAN be addicting!). Get to it, GS!
  • ios7
    ios7 Posts: 4
    I've never liked blackberry. I have own every apple iPhone and currently using the 4S but i love my android phone. I actually use my MT4g as my primary phone. Testing the windows 8 on my mac is the sleekest OS so far for me, considering giving up on windows 8 years ago. I can honestly say i love the windows running on my MBP than the native OSX which is currently 10.8. I love apple designs better, so if windows could sell me a sleek phone like apple does or even the same, i will be sold.

    Apple products i own: 1 Mac Mini 2011& 1,2009, 1 Macbook Pro 13" late 2011 running Mac OSX 10.8 and Windows 8 CP, 1 iPhone 4s, 2 iPhone 3GS, 2 iPod touch 3rd Gen. 16 & 64GB & 1, 4th Gen. 32GB, iPod nano 3rd Gen. Apple TV 2&3Gen. and Apple time capsule.

  • Coop
    Coop Posts: 12
    @MuscleMass I know at least a dozen Blackberry users and everyone of them would switch if they could get their work email on an Adroid or iOS phone.
  • jay
    jay Posts: 8
    edited July 2012
    I do not miss my Blackberry, not one bit, despite it being my first "smart phone" a little over 2 years ago! and a little over a year since i got the iphone 4..and ill say this that thev BB curve i had was pretty dumb compared to the me fanboy but i do NOT see myself ever having another mobile device..Apple to the end..ipad 3 very soon>>>
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 35
    Coming from the Symbian S60, to the iOS was the best decision I ever made regarding mobile platforms. Both BB and Android I could care less for, not after experiencing the whole iOS ecosystem.