How can I add a CTRL key to onscreen keyboard?

I'm using an jailbroken iPad 1 on iOS 5.1.1 and I was looking to see if anyone could help me with a keyboard mod. I'd like to add a CTRL key to the onscreen keyboard. I've set up 5 Row Custom Keyboard, but unfortunately I can only figure out how to use it to insert other languages or special characters. What I'm looking to do is either remap the keyboard or straight up add a CTRL key--whatver I can do to be able to send a CTRL command.

I'm playing a point-and-click adventure game called Gemini Rue that was designed using the Adventure Game Studio engine, which someone very awesomely created an iOS port for. It works fine, but as AGS was designed to be run in Windows, the game is asking me to use the CTRL key at certain points which is entirely impossible on the standard iOS keyboard. Does anyone have any suggestions for where I could get a keyboard layout that would include a CTRL key or otherwise mod the iPad onscreen keyboard?

