Apple Sending Letters To Carriers And Retail Outlets To Stop Selling Banned Samsung Products

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in
imageApple Sending Letters To Carriers And Retail Outlets To Stop Selling Banned Samsung Products

Apple, through its law firm Taylor & company, is sending out letters to carriers and retailers asking them to take products that have been banned o...

Read the full story here


  • Bastiaan Lasonder
    How much design is there by making a rectangular screen? iPad is just a rectangle. How can ya copyright a rectangle, and how can anybody design a rectangle that doesn't look like a Apple rectangle. What a fuzz about a bunch of rectangles. They should call a rectangle screen a 'rectumangle' from now on.
  • yasser
    yasser Posts: 7
    It's more than that man .. Its all about distorting the other companys image to consumers ... Plus .. I think they can do a lot on terms of design but the similarities are rather striking .. There was a story here a long time ago about how the chargers , boxing, cables and all those are a blatant copy ..
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
    It's more than that man .. Its all about distorting the other companys image to consumers ... Plus .. I think they can do a lot on terms of design but the similarities are rather striking .. There was a story here a long time ago about how the chargers , boxing, cables and all those are a blatant copy ..
    Here's that story