Apple Does a 180 On EPEAT Green Certification, All Eligible Products Back On Green Registry

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in
imageApple Does a 180 On EPEAT Green Certification, All Eligible Products Back On Green Registry

A few days back, EPEAT announced that Apple had pulled all its products from the group's green certification registry over design decisions that conflicted...

Read the full story here


  • Sedrick
    Sedrick Posts: 31
    Strange as Yesterday MBP Retina was considered as hard to recycle and to repair....
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
    To a consumer.... Repair and Apple centres are a tad bit different.... I don't see why it is considered hard to be honest... Sure, you might break some items, but only if you are not careful, and even then, it's the glass you want right? No need to do a pretty job of getting out 100% perfect for recycling... Repairing I imagine will take an hour or so to take that glass off fine... So no.. the Retina is repairable, just... very difficult and not recommended to your average person who doesn't do so for a living etc....