‘iPhone 5′ Hits Production; Could Be Released As Early As September

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in iPhoneHacks.com
image ‘iPhone 5′ Hits Production; Could Be Released As Early As September

Next Generation iPhone Hits Production; Could Be Released As Early As September

Read the full story here


  • Gavan Rodriguez
    iPhone 5 going to have to be varry impressive or I'm jumping ship an climbing abord samsung galaxy sIII
  • Ian Duncan
    i also may be dumping the iphone for the galaxy s III, unless there are lots of improvements
  • PJC
    PJC Posts: 4
    I am impressed with the galaxy s III and might jump ship if apple doesn't step up hard. I've been wanting a larger screen and am disappointed with it only going to increase to a 4inch screen. iOS 6 looks disappointing compared to other updates so there better be other hardware improvements or the only iOS device I'll consider buying in the future is a new iPad.
    No Android for me. Unless the iP5 is just AWFUL, I'll be upgrading from my 4S, which I will kindly pass down to my wife, in turn passing her iP4 to our son.

    I DO hope they don't have that 2-tone back panel though... I really dislike that and would MUCH rather have the cleaner-feeling Glass.
  • pedro
    pedro Posts: 1
    I may as well jump ship.the quality of android apps have improved and the features on the s3 is amazing.u can also stream on your Samsung tv.thats great.i love apple but they really need to bring something good
  • yasser
    yasser Posts: 7
    No jumping for me , android can install thrusters on their phone , I'd stay with my 4s .. S3 is just too big for my liking I'd rather go back to Nokia .. Just my 2
  • razer
    razer Posts: 1
    "Do you plan to upgrade or buy the next generation iPhone?"

    HELL YES!!!
  • Dyonne Shorter
    iphone and ios are married and go hand in hand, android is the town bike and jumps on anything it can find. I'll retain my exclusivity and stick with apple all the way
  • Freddieboy217
    iPhone 5 going to have to be varry impressive or I'm jumping ship an climbing abord samsung galaxy sIII
    I have already jumped ship after the disappointment of the 4s I got a good price for it though on ebay and got the Samsung S3 it is a lovely device and if Apple up their game I may switch back I still love Apple I still have the new Macbook Pro and iPad 3 so as I say if they match the S3 this time who knows
  • iONobody
    iONobody Posts: 2
    edited July 2012
    iphone and ios are married and go hand in hand, android is the town bike and jumps on anything it can find. I'll retain my exclusivity and stick with apple all the way
    I'm sticking with apple for a while longer. As long as they keep producing the highest quality products on the market and keep improving on the ways that they synchronize with each other, I would be crazy to jump ship on the whole apple ecosystem. I don't have any use for a fragmented android OS no matter what Walmart brand the device is. However, because I am more than satisfied with my 4s, (though not overwhelmed by the upgrade from the 4) if the next iPhone doesn't offer me something I crave, then I think I'll hang on to the 4s and maybe pick up a Nokia lumia 900 on eBay just to check it out. That's how little I think of android. As much as I hate everything Microsoft has ever made, I'm willing to blow a few hundred bucks on a windows8 phone as an alternate phone before I bang my head against android. Nothing against Samsung. I think they make a good handset, but even though android OS is leading the market (android 52% with 140+ phones, apple 34% with 5 phones), Samsung is the only manufacturer still making a buck. I think they should eventually create their own OS

    2nd gen MacBook air
    iPad 2
    I think there's a 3GS behind the seat of my truck, but I bet it still works
    iPhone 4
    iPhone 4s
    Apple tv
    1TB Time Capsule
    Post edited by iONobody on
  • iONobody
    iONobody Posts: 2
    I'm kinda $h!+faced right now so sorry for rambling
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
    I may as well jump ship.the quality of android apps have improved and the features on the s3 is amazing.u can also stream on your Samsung tv.thats great.i love apple but they really need to bring something good
    Considering I did when 4S came out, I disagree completely with you... Have you ever heard of Apple TV? That does the same thing streaming to a TV.... Android Apps? Who are you kidding... Sure they are plentiful, but the market place is full of rubbish and of hackers trying their luck... You need to really root your device or know how to force updates manually from files for androids to come into their own.. Then there is a lot of extras and other stuff you can do that you will wish you had on an Apple product, but know you will never.. and for good reason really... but still, those that are complete geeks would appreciate being able to over clock your phones CPU and write a better kernel for it...

    For those who don't want to play around with that stuff, STICK with APPLE! I sell apple for a living, repair them too, but I own an android because of what I can change/do... Even have a linux distribution running off my phone, how cool is that!

    Anyway, when a customer asks me, I explain for normal users get an iPhone no question, android has too many inherent flaws it is not worth the issues unless your willing to learn it inside out to make it your own and that can take a long long time if your new to programming etc... As much as I love my android, I am switching back to apple when my contract expires because as fun as it is, it just isn't an apple... I will keep mine and sue mine obviously for other stuff, but yea..
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 1
    Apple is on it's way to being a has been. I will be dumping Apple for Android or Windows. They just have better products now.
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 35
    Should be staying with the 4S, me and Siri enjoy a good rapport.
    Apple is on it's way to being a has been. I will be dumping Apple for Android or Windows. They just have better products now.
    LOL... Oooooooookaaaaayyyyyyy buddy.

    You keep drinking before you post. That was a great laugh!

    Maybe the iPhone 5 won't be OMG Amazing. I'll bet you $100 green American dollars that Apple (once AGAIN) resets all the records for sales when the iP5 drops.

    But yeah, they're TOTALLY has-beens...

  • ThaKrazyOne
    The way I see it is the iPhone will reign superior. Unified updates, unified design, and putting the best out when it needs to. Sure there are hundreds of Android units out there, but none are alike in any way, shape or form. They are all tailored to the OEM and to the potential carrier. The iPhone is not. It's one phone, all carriers. Well, almost all carriers but I'm sure you know what I mean. That's why all iPhones since the original have only had the Apple Logo and not AT&T's globe. Apple knew what it was doing when it created the iPhone. Aside from the Nexus line, where can one honestly say that Android is uniform and not fragmented. Even that comment I said about uniform Nexus is not fully true since HTC and Samsung have both created it. No matter what there will always be a high demand for the iPhone, be it the OG one or the up and comimg 5. The only other handset maker that can be called uniform would be Nokia now being a Windows Phone Exclusive OEM partner. And one more thing, now that Apple has allowed PrePaid companies access to the iPhone, it has just paved the way for new potential customers for iPhonemania alond with the current stock or unlocked iPhones on T-Mobile and other MVNO's such as H2O, SIMple Mobile and Red Pocket As opposed to Androids giving PrePaid companies watered down or semi-decent handsets. As of now, HTC's have just become readily available for Boost Mobile and I think Virgin. OK My point is that until Google decides to have more control with it's OS, it will always remain a mess, which is another reason the market is flooded with garbage tablets running funky versions of Android 2.2 and as of late, Android 4.0 that do not even contain the official Android Market aka Google Play. By the way, as big as Samsung is, I'm surprised it hasn't built it's own OS or possibly give HP's webOS a try.