AT&T to Charge For FaceTime Over Cellular Network?

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in
imageAT&T to Charge For FaceTime Over Cellular Network?

Last month, when Apple announced that FaceTime - the video calling feature will be work even over cellular networks with iOS 6, we noted that carriers were...

Read the full story here


  • Surely, only idiots would pay
  • Titanss
    Titanss Posts: 31
    Since I am old school, 3GS, I do not use VoIP, but when I do upgrade to the New IPhone I will use Skype or some other VoIP to bypass AT&T's charges.

    Will be glad when Apple fires up there own cellular service and eliminates All the middle men like AT&T.
  • RSXRacer
    RSXRacer Posts: 2
    I have an iPhone 4S on AT&T's network and FaceTime over 3G works fine for me (I have iOS 6 beta 3). I also have an unlimited data plan that was grandfathered in. I don't know if my data plan has anything to do with it but I don't receive any error messages when I try to FaceTime over 3G
  • 3G Owner
    3G Owner Posts: 2
    edited July 2012
    AT&T can suck left toe that is!!!
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
    AT&T can suck left toe that is!!!
    That's what I'm saying.
    So sick of AT&T's bull sh*t.
    Always crying about how there loosing money.

  • They are losing money because they refuse to adapt. Two words Unlock and Goodbye
  • techbiker
    techbiker Posts: 1
    3G Owner I will not let them get that close to me, and if another carrier worked in my area of mountains I would not be with AT&T and have told them so.
  • jay
    jay Posts: 8
    Aleady paying 100$ month for the cheapest plan, now they want to charge extra for something that has been and should stay FREE!!!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 4
    This is absolute insanity. Just absurd. This discussion has been had many times regarding hotspot plans, but ill say it again. When you pay for a data plan, you should have every right to use that plan any way you choose, including every feature available on the iphone. If i choose to use a feture that uses more bandwith, that should be MY choice. Why should they care how much bandwith i choose to use on one feature. If im within my plan's usage, that should be my choice and att should stay out of it! And for those of us that have grandfathered unlimited plans, (myself included), we should have every right to use the unlimited plan UNLIMITEDLY (yeah, i made the word up, so what!)!!! ATT should have thought about this before they offered an unlimited plan! I have been a customer of ATT of 20 years, i have paid and earned my way as a loyal customer to use my plan that i have chosen, any way i choose! And, i'd also like to add, the 3MB cap that is now in affect on my UNLIMITED plan, is complete horse shinanigans!!! I don't have the option to bail and change my side of my contract with att, so why should they