‘iPhone 5′ With 1GB RAM, 4G LTE And NFC On Track For Fall Release

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in iPhoneHacks.com
image‘iPhone 5′ With 1GB RAM, 4G LTE And NFC On Track For Fall Release

Last week a report claimed that 'iPhone 5' had hit production and had speculated that it could be released as early as September. However, folks at BGR cl...

Read the full story here


  • Wolverinemarky
    cant wait to get it hoping for october release so i can get it on day 1
  • hayel2ko
    hayel2ko Posts: 1
    edited July 2012
    My opinion is that it is a very stupid idea that someone is actually going to use this so called digital wallet because you would **** your pants when someone steals it from you. Do yourself a huge favor and stay with a ordinary wallet.
  • Rob Smithson
    hayel2ko said:

    My opinion is that it is a very stupid idea that someone is actually going to use this so called digital wallet because you would **** your pants when someone steals it from you. Do yourself a huge favor and stay with a ordinary

    Right, because regular wallets never get stolen, only phones.
  • jimjamyourface2
    @Rob Smithson - I do not beleive hayel2ko is referring to the phone being stolen, but to the many security issues that NFC has. Considering I can walk by someone, and without direct contact, steal their credit card information, I wouldn't recommend using any virtual wallet either.
  • Sam12
    Sam12 Posts: 1
    I want to know about the security that this new "digital wallet" will bring. I mean, I want to be able to use it quicker than I use my credit card but I don't want everyone to have access to it. I hope they come up with a new security system that will let the phone recognize who is using it or something like that. i guess that will be the only way it would be safe to use it, I guess.
    NFC could be a game changer, an I would be willing to bet if ANYBODY is going to make sure it's done right, including security, it would be Apple.

    I would imagine they will have to set it up so that it has to be actively opened with a PIN or password before the radio is even activated or something like that.
  • BCSC
    BCSC Posts: 49
    Why only 1 gig of RAM? Another year from now Apple will be keeping parts of iOS 7 off of this device because it wont be able to handle it. Just like the iPhone 4 doesn't have the power to handle Siri or flyovers in 3D maps. These devices need to be built for power in the future, not just enough to get by now. Should have 2 gigs minimum. Apple cant simply say the hardware and software work together so well if a one generation old phone is being left out on certain elements.