UK Judge Wants Apple to Post a Notice On Its Website That Samsung Didn’t Copy iPad

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in
imageUK Judge Wants Apple to Post a Notice On Its Website That Samsung Didn’t Copy iPad

Last week, we reported that a UK Judge ruled that Samsung's Galaxy tab did not infringe on Apple's iPad as it's not as cool as Apple's product. While the ...

Read the full story here


  • Matthew Black
    This is just ridiculous.
    I am infuriated that Apple are being so overlooked and so ignored given that they created this market. Unfortunately when there is such a good idea and so much money to be made in a product you invent, others will follow and steal that idea. That's business and that's just the way it is. This shouldn't reflect the fact that the iPad have been so slavishly copied and Apples patents abused. After all, what are patents for?

    One can only wonder how these patent wars would have turned out had Steve Jobs still been with us. I can imagine he'd have personally appeared at every court ruling and overseen that the correct rulings were given.

    Long live Steve jobs and long live Apple. May their elegant simplicity forever take first place over Chinese tat.
  • I love apple products but the design of the ipad is not original design. Tablets have been around for a long time. I had one in 2004 that looked very similar to the ipad just a few more buttons for work. apple was just smart enough to wait until the technology was ready for the mainstream. this came out in 2006. So yes apple made the most popular tablet and brought it to the mainstream, but they didnt not make an original design... hell most of their stuff comes from 1960s Braun products. you can see that So love apple like we do but dont agree with them all the time... because in this case they are in the wrong.
  • MuscleMass
    MuscleMass Posts: 20
  • BCSC
    BCSC Posts: 49
    Apple repeatedly and publicly claimed that Samsung copied this design. Now Apple must reap what they have sown and and publicly claim that they did not. This is not an unreasonable judgement. You spend so much of your time slamming something, and you may get slammed in the end.
  • PaulaTejano
    Matthew Black: BTW, Samsung is a South Korean company, not Chinese...Oh wait, I've forgot that all Asians are the same. Sorry!