Latest BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha Update Brings Siri-Like Voice Commands

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in

imageLatest BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha Update Brings Siri-Like Voice Commands

The latest developer release of BlackBerry OS 10, RIM's final attempt at making a comeback, adds Siri like voice commands into the OS. The developer relea...

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  • Neil
    Neil Posts: 4
    Both Apple and Samsung's voice integration is good in their own ways but there are times (more often than not, at least for me) when you wonder....why bother as it's quicker to type. All I am saying is that this tech is in early days with lots of room for improvement. Now imagine if Google, Samsung, Apple and others like Nokia all joined hands on this, I believe we would have a highly sophisticated and intelligent (and perhaps sexy) voice assistant.
  • yasser
    yasser Posts: 7
    Blackberry have always had this ... Maybe they are working in making it better but whatever happened to the whole " RIM going out of consumer market " thing ?