300 Million iPhone apps Downloaded from the App Store; But Growth is Not Accelerating

^_^ Posts: 4,429
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
image300 Million iPhone apps Downloaded from the App Store; But Growth is Not Accelerating

We had reported earlier in the week that almost 10,000 iPhone Apps are available on the App Store. That count is currently 10424 iPhone apps and increasing. Apple has started advertising this milestone in the print media. Apple in the ad also reported that 300 million iPhone apps have been...

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  • Phewop
    Phewop Posts: 4
    via Wordpress

    Maybe it's because many people have no more room on their home screens for apps - I have all 9 pages full and don't want to have to deal with reinstalling things or having a grouping app. Apple, please give us unlimited home screens.

  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
    via Wordpress

    Perhaps if Apple would stop bricking our Iphones we would be more inclined to buy apps on Itunes. I for one will not give apple 1 more penny until my iphone is working again. I never thought i would say this but i am considering going back to windows after 5 years of being an apple user.

  • Posativnrg
    Posativnrg Posts: 3
    via Wordpress

    10,000 apps and 9900 are crapapps. How many tip calculaters or womens monthly cycle trackers do you need in the app store? How about a great integrated PIM? Or an app to allow writing and editing Wors files?

  • byronchurch
    byronchurch Posts: 8
    via Wordpress

    my pages are full of apps That I love and I have a dozen in the bank on hold and would buy 5 new apps today if I could Have another page. How bout sub-folders ?

  • evilhomer
    evilhomer Posts: 3
    via Wordpress

    simple solution: jailbreak, then install 'categories.' let's you create folders for your apps.

  • ahsan younis
    ahsan younis Posts: 4
    via Wordpress

    Because have u ever seen that how many of those are similar doing al the things in similar way...... how many notepads are there, how many to do lists are there ..... etc.... one can have only one type of application...Apple should check that if similar application has already been posted, there should not be any more with similar functionality.......

    What do u think guys??????