Google Earth 7.0 Brings 3D Maps to iPhone And iPad

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in

image Google Earth 7.0 Brings 3D Maps to iPhone And iPad

Google Earth 7.0 Brings 3D Maps to iPhone And iPad

Read the full story here


  • Steveo
    Steveo Posts: 1
    No iPhone 4 support. WTF?!
  • Chuckie
    Chuckie Posts: 13
    I've just tried to compare same buildings in frisco on Apple and Google. Google for sure has a lot bigger map with more results than Apple. However in regards to map/picture quality I find Apple as the winner. Better colors and quality, at least from the first place I compared. I would compare my home city Copenhagen but there was no 3D yet from Google on that City.