Apple’s Smartphone Market Share Drops to 16.9%; While Samsung’s Market Share Jumps to 32.6%

System Posts: 446
edited July 2012 in

image Apple’s Smartphone Market Share Drops to 16.9%; While Samsung’s Market Share Jumps to 32.6%

Apple's Smartphone Market Share Drops to 16.9%; While Samsung's Market Share Jumps to 32.6%

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  • yasser
    yasser Posts: 7
    I remember a while back there was an article that Samsung declares its "shipped" goods as sold .. Whist apple only list the ones that are actually sold .. Is this the same thing here ? The galaxy s 3 is an amazing phone but I still prefer my iPhone over it any day .. But I must admit .. Samsung have really upped their game but android phones still lack the tactility of iPhones .. P
  • Shantel Babi
    Samsung GS3>>>iPhone 4s I own both and both are great phones but GS3 is the better phone right now that may change when the iphone 5 comes out hopefully apple doesn't drop the ball
  • defmad
    defmad Posts: 7
    Samsung do have a wider choice of smartphones as opposed to what Apple's non-existent range. Before the white iPhone 4 existed, everyone had the same black iPhones, and ever since white has been available, it's all I ever see now (apart from the occasional Samsung). If apple realised that the consumer sheep was hungry for choice they could really increase market share by widening their smartphone range. If Apple were really smart they would offer the iPhone 5 in two sizes at the very least, one that keeps the same size and a larger one for people who like to carry around a brick.
    For the love of Steve Jobs, can we PLEASE see a "phone-by-phone" comparison. Apple has THE iPhone, Samsung has OVER ONE HUNDRED THIRTY!!!! Many of those are free or next to it with a contract. Of COURSE they ship millions of the crackerjack shitboxes.

    Let's see iPhone market share vs ONE Samsung phone.
  • il Santi
    il Santi Posts: 40

    For the love of Steve Jobs, can we PLEASE see a "phone-by-phone" comparison. Apple has THE iPhone, Samsung has OVER ONE HUNDRED THIRTY!!!! Many of those are free or next to it with a contract. Of COURSE they ship millions of the crackerjack shitboxes.

    Let's see iPhone market share vs ONE Samsung phone.

    Correction, Apple has more than 22 different phones. iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS, 4 and 4S, and in two different colors and three different memory sizes (some of them). Please do some math first, use your iOS Native Scientific Calculator on your iPhone... Oh, sorry, iOS lacks of it!
    Twenty-Two versus 130+ (NOT exaggerating).

    So, let's compare the 22 iterations of the iPhone vs the Samsung Galaxy, Galaxy II, Galaxy II S Super 4G LTE, Galaxy S III, and other versions of Samsung's Galaxy.
    ... And who needs a God damned Scientific Calculator...

    Freakin' Nerds...
  • defmad
    defmad Posts: 7
    @il Santi - iPhone does have a scientific calculator; you can enable it by rotating the screen to landscape mode.

    @THExREALxTACO - I know what you mean, even though il Santi totally missed the point; just walk into a phone store and look at the offerings between iPhones and Samsung phones (without including memory size configurations) and you can see the difference in range. Apple have done really well considering thier limited range. A like for like comparison would be fairer.
  • Mr_Clean
    Mr_Clean Posts: 3
    Is there no middle ground on this site with regards to comments? Its always one sided bias for Apple or Google products. People need to get over themselves. For the most part Apple nor Google is lining the pockets of anyone on this site. You'd think people had a personal stake in either of these companies. For once I'd like to see objective feedback instead the usually fan-boy rubbish that's so common place. Its simple if you like Apple devices, buy Apple and if you like Android devices then by all means buy Android.
  • Neil
    Neil Posts: 4
    Must admit that Samsung has timed the S3 release to capitalise on quarters when Apple sales are low. I am sure the numbers will change when the next iphone is released.

    Most contracts now a days are at least 18months. So the 50million people that signed in to samsung contract wil be be able to upgrade in time for whatever new iphone is released in 2013, whilst the 20mil people that signed in to apple contract will be able to upgrade in time for next Samsung offering in 2014.
    Mr_Clean said:

    Is there no middle ground on this site with regards to comments? Its always one sided bias for Apple or Google products. People need to get over themselves. For the most part Apple nor Google is lining the pockets of anyone on this site. You'd think people had a personal stake in either of these companies. For once I'd like to see objective feedback instead the usually fan-boy rubbish that's so common place. Its simple if you like Apple devices, buy Apple and if you like Android devices then by all means buy Android.

    Of course there is, and won't be, a middle ground.

    This subject is nearly as divisive as politics and religion; people will ALWAYS pick sides, and if you like one, you generally CAN'T like the other.