Iphone 4s jail break questions

IronLone Posts: 2
edited September 2012 in iPhone Forum
so im interested in finally jailbreaking my 4s running 5.1.1 ios right now. and im curious about when i do it. and i have some questions.

first what kind of app benefits do i get from jail breaking, i heard that in app purchases are free? like if i play jurassic park builder i can purchase stuff and not pay a dime? is that true? stuff like that?

secondly, will i still be able to sync and update my apps, what i mean is, will i still be able to sync my apps to my itunes, and will i be able to download updates and new apps from the app store?

third. any downsides? anything i will notice not working properly when i jailbreak?

Im on verizon's network, any downsides being on their network and jailbreaking my iphone 4s?

just curious if its a good idea or not.
