Iphone losing signal

Archangelx Posts: 1
edited September 2012 in iPhone Forum
First of all i want to introduce myself, my name is Julian and i'm from Colombia, this is my first post here so i want to let everyone know that i will offer my help whenever possible.

Now to the problem at hand, I have an iphone 3g 8gb 5.13.04 baseband and IOS 4.2.1, jailbroken using redsnow and unlocked with ultrasn0w, when i unlock the phone it works fine but when i reboot or turn it off it loses signal and then i get the "No Service" message as if it loses the unlock, i've tried re-jailbreaking and unlocking again, i even restored the phone endless times to no avail, and i don't know what to do anymore, if anyone has any tips as to how to fix to problem it will be greatly appreciated.