jailbreak ipad 2 with native ios 5.1

dexteriade Posts: 1
edited October 2012 in Jailbreak Forum
I just got myself an ipad 2 with native ios 5.1
evidently i want to jailbreak it but... bummer...

as it stands there is no jailbreak of ios 5.1 for ipad 2. the recomended is jailbreak ios 5.1.1.
In order to do this i need to upgrade only to 5.1.1 manualy taking the ipsw from the net. Tried and failed.
After many tries i tried to do downgrade to 5.0.1. with the same lvl of fail.

Now after a good night sleep i found that apple closed the sighing widow on 5.1.1. and i have not been on 5.1.1 so i do not have the 5.1.1 shsh blobs...
thus i presume results in me unable to ever go to 5.1.1 in order to subsequently jailbreak...

Am I correct???

What advices can u offer in order to succeed in having a jailbreaked ipad 2?
Am i to just wait for a unthethered ios 6 realese from devteam?
If i have to wait is it better to wait on ios 5.1 or on ios 6?

thanks a lot for the upcoming advices...