Trick to Enable Japanese Emoji Icons on your iPhone; No Jailbreaking Required
iPhone firmware 2.2 gave iPhone users the ability to create and view messages with Emoji icons. But it was available only to iPhone users on Japan's SoftBank network. There are couple of ways to enable it: use the hack that an iPhone developer had figured out or install Emoji app...
Very cool. After install I realized that this is is a little bit useless as emojicons are only viewable on iPhone so sending an icon to an email address will only display symbols like this �J.
I would love to see apple giving us that feature but this time fully supported on emails and text messaging. -
One thing though...
How do you run vcard file in iPhone with Mail app? (in Windows of course). I can not copy the .vcf file to iPhone via iTunes because it's not a multimedia file.
I have windows mobile so i tried the email way and I only got one contact. I saved it & tried it & it didnt work. Am I doing anything wrong? I followed all the steps...please help this would be really cool for my phone!! BTW, it is not jailbroken!
I just sent the vcf as a gmail attatchemnt and opened it in the iphone. Then I added the new contacts. I can see the images in my contacts which are all gathered neatly at the bottom of contacts list - but step 4 - has me stumped. How do you insert them again by typing the word emojia?
you have to first enable the japanese keyboard and its querty to get the emojia icons. it worked 4 me.
omg. iie dont get any of this. someone explain. what do yooh do on da fiirst step ? it doesnt open on miie iphone. by da way its not a 3g.
It worked! Sorta...
The emojiis only show up in groups of 20 or so. Is there a way to fix that, or is that just how it has to be?
Thanks for this!
Really, it gets old having to delete the other 19.
go to itunes and get a free app called "spell number"
To enable Emoji icons using the Spell Number app do this:
Open the Spell Number app on your iPhone
Enter 9876543.21 and then just hit the home button
Edit Settings > General > Keyboard > International Keyboards > Japanese > Slide “Emoji” to ON
Open the Text message app and tap the World Icon to see Emoji icons when you are typing a text message -
Use QeuDee's method!
Except I used 9192934.59 -
This method works. I'm INNNNNN! :D