Callbar question

I have a iphone 4s and I have the untethered jail break on my phone. My question is how do I stop the incoming caller's picture and name from coming up on my screen when the phone is in a locked mode (blank screen) I thought that the call bar banner was supposed to come on the top of the screen with the person's name and maybe a number that would be showing. It used to do it but I had to restore my phone and jailbreak it all over again. Can someone help? I uninstalled it (call bar) twice but to no avail.


  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
    You have options to enable or disable the caller's full screen image via the Settings app (Settings -> CallBar -> FullScreen Caller Image toggle).
  • fella3
    Yep, i have that set to off because I don't want to have anything to show but the small call bar with the name inside the call bar. What I am getting now is the contact photo and name. It use to just show the call bar itself when in the lock screen.