SBSettings Offers Faster Method to Manage iPhone Settings

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imageSBSettings Offers Faster Method to Manage iPhone Settings

Looking for a quicker way to manage iPhone settings such as disabling or enabling features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G etc instead of the usual process of using iPhone Setting's App? Then you should checkout jailbreak app - SBSettings which is a replacement of BossPrefs. Its offers faster method to manage...

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  • Iphonesarefun
    Iphonesarefun Posts: 1
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    the original boss Prefs is better because you can use lockdown. Sb settings bypasses this with it's docking ability.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    How does this program affect battery life?
    If it sits and works in the background all the time, doesn't it eat up a lot of battery time?

  • manteka
    manteka Posts: 9
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    i like this. been using it for about 2 months now. i got one of those radio frequency thingy to use the phone with my car stereo. very helpful in quickly switching between wi-fi and edge on my 2G while in my car. also helps lower the brightness, it can get annoying while driving.

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    Yo llevo mucho tiempo usandolo y es simplemente genial

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    I have not observed drain in battery life after installing SBSettings (at least not something significant).

    I am guessing it runs only when it is launched.

    I am not sure if there is something running in the background to pick up the swipe or tap from the status bar which could cause a drain in battery life.

    Interestingly, you might have noticed in the screenshots above the processor widget doesn't seem to pick up SBSettings process.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    For the benefit of non-spanish speaking readers, this is what SUPERPORROMAN had to say (courtesy Google Translate):

    I have been using it a long time and is simply brilliant

  • Iphone555
    Iphone555 Posts: 1
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    I love this app but I wish there's a toggle for SafariDL plug in.

  • vito
    vito Posts: 2
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    its awesome apps but lots people still waiting for some kind of tweak to make possibility to change between running apps not only killing them !

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hey vito,

    That would be an awesome feature.

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    SBSettings is an awesome jaiblreak app and a must have for all jailbreakers. I have the more complicated process manager (for the SBSettings one only displays non-critical processes) and SBSettings doesn't show up as running until you open it. So it doesn't have any diverse affect on your battery. Cylay on the other hand... If anybody has that and hasn't paid up, turn it off and remove it. It's a pain and runs a Cylay Daemon in the background which does affect your battery.

  • steven
    steven Posts: 113
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    I love this app, especially to turn bluetooth on and off which, let's face it, it a complete hassle to do through Settings. One thing not mentioned above is the Dock, which works like Categories, creating a window for app icons that then do not appear on the springboard. Maybe it's me but I've found that when I use the dock, my iPhone slows down a bit so I've stopped using it and Categories for now. But really, if you have a jailbroken phone and you don't have SBS Settings then like, what are you waiting for?!

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hey Geogo3r,

    Thanks for that info, it makes sense as I haven't observed any significant impact on battery life after installing SBSettings.

    However, it will be interesting to find out how did they manage to get the app to launch when you swipe or tap the status bar with two fingers.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hey Steven,

    Thanks for your feedback and letting us know about the Dock feature.

    It seems to be a useful feature and a way to toggle between iPhone apps without going to the home screen which vito had mentioned above to which I had said it would be an awesome feature.

    I will try the feature for a few days to see if the iPhone slows down like you had observed.

  • Jonny H
    Jonny H Posts: 47
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    I just installed this thing and it rocks! what a great idea!

  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    I got it when it first came out a while ago and used it, but the screen always seemed to come down when I didn't want to use it since all it takes is just a touch at the top of the screen. This program was pretty nice I thought, especially with the processes add on - which now looks like it is included by default. It also seemed to slow down my load up of apps, and made typing on my phone laggy.

    I've put so much on my phone and taken so much off, but I'm really getting tired of the lag. I've seen other non-jailbroken iPhones that are just so much faster.
    Give this program a try; you may like it!

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    I skimmed through the article again and didn't see you mention that SBSettings will let you hide your apps. I choose to hide most of my apps that I don't use on a regular basis and use either quickgold or launcher to launch your hidden apps. Great combo for those of you who like a clean feel but still want access to your apps without crowding the pages.

    Also, two things I recommend doing with SBSettings. Go to More < Extras
    1) Disable the Apple Killswitch
    2) Enable Numeric Battery

    And the battery can be toggled between numeric and non-numeric just by tapping the battery or numbers.

    To iPhoneHacks:
    Your welcome!
    And yeah, it'd be interesting to know how they did it.

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    Oh, don't know if it will affect anything but my personal choice is the Quickgold launcher.

    via Wordpress

    DUDE I LOVE THIS APP!!! I USE IT AT LEAST 5times aday!

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    Quick question but a really basic one. Will updating the firmware format my iphone? I've got videos from Cycorder that I'd be really sad to lose, so if anybody could tell me how to SSH them off, I'd appreciate it.

  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    The only drawback is that it will respond to the swipe at inopportune times. If you are using a paint program for your kid (kidart) and they touch the clock area, it drops it down. If you are surfing the net and have the home button on your left instead of your right, you can launch it constantly by accident.

    Otherwise it works very well and I have been running it for a couple months now.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hey Geogo3r,

    If you are a Windows user, you could use free iPhone software like iPhoneBrowser which allows you to access iPhone's file system.

    Check the link below for more details about iPhoneBrowser here:

    If you are a Mac user, you can checkout Megaphone for Mac users:

    Megaphone has a good user interface but is available for a one-time-fee.

    These are just apps we are aware of, I am sure there are many more.

    The video files recorded using Cycorder are stored in:
    User/Media/Videos under the root directory.

    PS: Since this is out of context for this post, it will be great if you can post any more questions regarding Cycorder here:

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    I have the same problem, when I play Tap Tap with a friend the same thing happens. It is quite a pain.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    You folks are right, its extra sensitive at times and can get annoying.

    Maybe users should have the option to select the way the app can be launched.

    So you should be able to disable swipe if you think its causing the problem and use tap with two fingers instead.

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    I agree. We'll see what happens in the next version. Last time I updated it, it said it added more toggles of which I never saw but it seems like you guys have them in your review or were they downloaded separately?

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hey Geogo3r,

    They were installed separately via Cydia.

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    What repo did you get them from? All my app addons are for Boss Prefs and that's alright I guess but I enjoy SBSettings a lot more.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hey geogo3r,

    If you are referring to Processes, its available in the BigBoss repo.

  • aobjects
    aobjects Posts: 1
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    Yes. I have been using this app for months. It's great but launches too easily and should be user selectable. It took a while to even figure out how to launch it in the first place when I actually wanted it. My wife wants ne to take it off hers for just this reason. Even though I know it has features she'd like.

  • Mack
    Mack Posts: 11
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    In Hide Apps there is an application called WebSheet. What is it, and why is there an option to Hide this app, when its nowhere to be found on the summerboard? Also why is the Ipod icon now a question mark? Anybody know?

  • Kim
    Kim Posts: 29
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    There's a BigBoss that works too right? Which is better? They both seem to do the same